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Journal of Transformative Education

Journal of Transformative Education

eISSN: 15527840 | ISSN: 15413446 | Current volume: 22 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

The Journal of Transformative Education (JTED) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal focused on advancing the understanding, practice, and experience of transformative education for adult learners. Transformative education is defined as learning that has the potential for “significant change in how learners experience, conceptualize, and interact with the world.”

The Journal of Transformative Education invites researchers from a wide array of disciplines whose work reflects this overall aim and scope to submit original research, reviews, and topical dialogue and communication on all aspects of transformative education and learning. We encourage a diverse range of methodologies and theoretical approaches to the topic of transformative education. Areas that can be addressed include but are not limited to:

  • Adult education and lifelong learning
  • Change, transition, and transformation
  • Management and corporate education
  • Educational and humanistic psychology
  • Experiential education
  • Holistic education
  • Organizational development, learning, and psychology
  • Community engagement
  • Social movement learning
  • Social change

JTED is particularly interested in articles that seek to introduce, test, build on, and elaborate theoretical perspectives, that demonstrate innovate and creative applications of the theory in practice contexts, and that explore the international and cross-cultural issues of the theory and practice of transformative education. We encourage manuscripts from diverse international scholars.The journal seeks to deliver high academic quality in an engaging, thought-provoking, participative, and reflexive scholarly discourse across the spectrum of issues which transformational education encompasses, including

  • Individual, group, organization, and societal processes of transformation
  • Factors that promote and constrain transformation
  • Emotional, cognitive, embodied, spiritual, social, temporal, spatial, emancipatory, and other dimensions of transformative learning and education
  • Spaces and settings that foster transformative education
  • Educational and institutional processes that foster transformation and which contribute to equality and social justice

The journal is global in scope and content and is diverse in its approaches and topics - drawing from theory, research, practice, individual experience, and building on the established traditions and lines of inquiry in transformative education.

Hoggan, C. (2016). Transformative learning as a metatheory: Definition, criteria, and typology. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(1), 57-75. DOI: 10.1177/0741713615611216

Submit your manuscript today at

The Journal of Transformative Education (JTED) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal focused on advancing the understanding, practice, and experience of transformative education. The journal seeks to deliver high academic quality in an engaging, thought-provoking, participative, and reflexive discourse across the spectrum of issues which transformational education encompasses. Those issues include individual experience, educational and institutional processes, formal and informal purposes and venues for such education, and cultural issues such as accessibility and social context for transformative education. The journal is global in scope and content and is diverse in its approaches and topics - drawing from theory, research, practice, individual experience, and retrospective insight from past major theorists.

The journal covers transformative education and related work in the following disciplines and fields of study:

  • Adult Development
  • Adult Education
  • Change, Transition and Transformation
  • Corporate Education
  • Educational Psychology
  • Experiential Education
  • Holistic Education
  • Humanistic Psychology
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Management Education and Development
  • Organizational Development
  • Organizational Learning
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Social Change
  • Transformative Learning
Cheryl Baldwin University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA
Fergal Finnegan National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Chad Hoggan North Carolina State University, USA
Founding Editors
Laura Markos WrittenHouse: Coaching Compelling Written Voice
Will McWhinney Enthusion Inc, Venice, CA, USA
Managing Editor
Laura Bernhard North Carolina State University, USA
Book Review Editor
Somanita Kheang Ball State University, USA
Consulting Editors
Lisa Baumgartner Texas State University, USA
Jim Berger Georgia College and State University (replace Western Kentucky University)
Laura L. Bierema University of Georgia, USA
Marcie Boucouvalas Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Patricia Boverie University of New Mexico, USA
Shauna Butterwick University of British Columbia, Canada
Maureen Coady St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Simone C. O. Conceição University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Frank Conner Grand Rapids Community College, USA
Joellen E. Coryell Texas State University - San Marcos, USA
Robert C. Cox Cumberland University, USA
Ann Curry-Stevens Portland State University, USA
John Dirkx Michigan State University, USA
Leona M. English St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Tonya Ensign The Transformative Learning Center, USA
Beth Fisher-Yoshida Columbia University, USA
Ted Fleming Columbia University, USA
Laura Formenti University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Thomas Fuhr Freiburg University of Education, Germany
Dan Glisczinski University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA
Michelle Glowacki-Dudka Ball State University, USA
Jason Goulah DePaul University, USA
Maureen Hall University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA
Tobin Hart University of West Georgia, USA
Tom Heaney National-Louis University, USA
Lilian H. Hill University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Steven Hodge Griffith University, Australia
Tetyana Hoggan-Kloubert University of Augsburg, Germany
Catherine Irving St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Christine Jarvis University of Huddersfield, UK
Juanita Johnson-Bailey University of Georgia, USA
Elizabeth Kasl Independent Scholar, USA
Andrew Kitchenham University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Alexis Kokkos Hellenic Open University, Greece
George Koulaouzidis Hellenic Open University, Greece
Jessica Kovan Professional Artist and Educator
David Lane Professional Development Foundation, UK
Elizabeth A. Lange St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Randee Lipson Lawrence National-Louis University, USA
Kaisu Mällki University of Helsinki, Finland
Laura Markos WrittenHouse: Coaching Compelling Written Voice
Victoria J. Marsick Columbia University, USA
Peter Mayo University of Malta, Malta
David McCormack Maynooth University, Ireland
Marie L. McCormick Marywood University
Olutoyin Mejiuni Independent Scholar, Nigeria
Sharan B. Merriam University of Georgia, USA
Alfonso Montuori California Institute of Integral Studies, USA
Aliki Nicolaides University of Georgia, USA
Ilango Ponnuswami Bharathidasan University, India
Michael Poutiatine Gonzaga University, USA
Robin Redmon Wright Penn State Harrisburg, USA
Tonette S. Rocco Florida International University, USA
Meaghan Ruddy The Wright Center for GME, USA
Roger Schank Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Steven A. Schapiro Fielding Graduate University, USA
Ellen Scully-Russ The George Washington University, USA
Janice Sealey CREATE Corporation
Riyad A. Shahjahan Michigan State University, USA
Genét Simone Western Washington University, USA
Julie Sinclair Michigan State University, USA
Regina O. Smith University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Nancy Southern Saybrook University, USA
Qi Sun University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Ann L. Swartz Penn State Harrisburg, USA
Edward Taylor Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg, USA
Kathleen Taylor St. Mary's College of California
Mark Tennant University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Lyn Tett University of Huddersfield, UK
Elizabeth J. Tisdell Penn State Harrisburg, USA
Carlos Alberto Torres University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Alan Tuckett (Emeritus) University of Wolverhampton, UK
Allyson Washburn National University, USA
Ilene Wasserman ICW Consulting Group, USA
Karen Watkins University of Georgia, USA
Steven Weiland Michigan State University, USA
Linden West Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Lyle Yorks Columbia University, USA
Jeff Zacharakis Kansas State University, USA
  • Business Source Premier
  • EBSCO: Business Source - Main Edition
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
  • Higher Education Abstracts
  • NISC
  • Zetoc
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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