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Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics

Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics

An International Journal

eISSN: 15562654 | ISSN: 15562646 | Current volume: 19 | Current issue: 4-5 Frequency: 5 Times/Year

The Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (JERHRE) publishes empirical research and reviews of empirical literature on human research ethics. Empirical knowledge translates ethical principles into procedures appropriate to specific cultures, contexts, and research topics.

JERHRE is the only journal in the field of human research ethics dedicated exclusively to empirical research. Its distinguished editorial and advisory board brings a range of expertise and international perspective to provide high-quality double-blind peer-reviewed original articles. Topics of recent articles include the following:

  • Communication Issues: Recruitment; Informed consent; Deception; Relationships as a source of data; Community consultation and outreach; Language and meaning across cultures and contexts
  • Acquisition and Use of Data: Privacy; Confidentiality; Uses of data
  • : Privacy; Confidentiality; Uses of data
  • Risk and Benefit: Risk, wrong and harm; Benefit, incentive, promise of social value; Risk/benefit assessment
  • : Risk, wrong and harm; Benefit, incentive, promise of social value; Risk/benefit assessment
  • Theory, Method and Design: Validity; Modeling; Equitable treatment of participants; Technology, efficiency and sampling; Beliefs about knowledge
  • : Validity; Modeling; Equitable treatment of participants; Technology, efficiency and sampling; Beliefs about knowledge
  • Other Influences on Research: Research ethics committees; Other institutional-governance influences; Perceptions that influence research; Taboo, questionable and controversial topics of research; Scientific integrity and responsibility; Ethics and politics; Government and agency regulations and policies; Human-research literacy; Education in the responsible conduct of research (RCR)
: Recruitment; Informed consent; Deception; Relationships as a source of data; Community consultation and outreach; Language and meaning across cultures and contexts: Privacy; Confidentiality; Uses of data: Risk, wrong and harm; Benefit, incentive, promise of social value; Risk/benefit assessment: Validity; Modeling; Equitable treatment of participants; Technology, efficiency and sampling; Beliefs about knowledge

Institutions and their researchers share concern about the responsible conduct of research (RCR), but can experience difficulty finding common ground around the interpretation of ethical principles and regulations. JERHRE seeks to create collaboration among these stakeholders by stimulating research and disseminating knowledge to foster the intelligent application of ethical principles in research contexts worldwide.

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The basic aim of JERHRE is to improve ethical problem solving in human research. Stakeholders in human research grapple with conflict among various standards. Without evidence-based problem solving, many conflicts are unsatisfactorily settled by applying one-size-fits-all interpretation of principles or regulations, or resorting to anecdote as evidence for one or another interpretation. JERHRE creates collaboration among stakeholders, stimulates research, and disseminates knowledge to foster intelligent application of ethical principles in research contexts worldwide.

Douglas Wassenaar University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Associate Editors
Joseph Ali Johns Hopkins University, USA
Nicola Barsdorf Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Elizabeth Buchanan University of Wisconsin, Stout, USA
Susan Bull University of Oxford, UK
Amy Corneli Duke University School of Medicine, USA
Bridget Haire University of New South Wales, Australia
Laura Machin Lancaster Medical School, UK
Lindsay McNair WIRB-Copernicus Group, USA
Paul Ndebele George Washington University, USA
Camille Nebeker University of California, San Diego, USA
Stuart Nicholls University of Ottawa, Canada
Lisa Parker University of Pittsburgh, USA
Stuart Rennie University of North Carolina, USA
Gabrielle Samuel King’s College, London, UK
Silke Schicktanz University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany
Joan E. Sieber California State University, East Bay, USA
Emma Tumilty Deakin University, Australia
David Wendler National Institutes of Health, USA
Book Review Editor
Heidi Matisonn University of Cape Town, South Africa
Consulting Editors
Leslie Alexander Bryn Mawr College, USA
Melissa Anderson University of Minnesota, USA
Elizabeth Bankert Dartmouth College, USA
Laura Beskow Duke University, USA
Elizabeth Buchanan University of Wisconsin, Stout, USA
Raymond DeVries University of Michigan, USA
James M. DuBois Saint Louis University, USA
Susan S. Fish Boston University Medical Center, USA
Mark S. Frankel American Association for the Advancement of Science, USA
Lainie Friedman Ross University of Chicago, USA
Christine Grady National Institutes of Health, USA
Adrian Guta University of Windsor, Canada
Elizabeth Heitman Vanderbilt University, USA
Tamer Hifnawy Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
Richard Ittenbach Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA
Timothy P. Johnson University of Minnesota, USA
James Kelly Indiana University, USA
Scott Kim National Institutes of Health, USA
Robert J. Levine Yale University, USA
Charles W. Lidz University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Kathleen MacQueen FHI 360
Amy McGuire Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Elana Newman University of Tulsa, USA
Eric Racine Institut de Recherché Cliniques de Montreal, Canada
Jeffery Rodamar  
Henry J. Silverman University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
Holly Taylor Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
David Wendler National Institutes of Health, USA
Leslie Wolf Georgia State University, USA
  • Bibliography of BioEthics
  • Cabel’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychiatry and Psychology
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Science Citation Index
  • ETHX on the Web
  • Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschatlichen
  • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Wissenshcaftlicher Literatur
  • PsycINFO
  • PubMed: MEDLINE
  • SwetsWise Index
  • Thomson-Reuters Journal Citation Reports
  • Thomson-Reuters Science Citation Index
  • Thomson-Reuters Web of Science
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.


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