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Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication
Globalization and Social Justice

Third Edition

December 2020 | 384 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Winner of the 2022 Textbook Excellence Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA)

Intercultural Communication: Globalization and Social Justice
introduces students to the study of communication among cultures within the broader context of globalization. Author Kathryn Sorrells highlights history, power, and global institutions as central to understanding the relationships and contexts that shape intercultural communication. Promoting critical thinking, reflection, and action, the text’s social justice approach equips students with the knowledge and skills to create a more equitable world through communication. The Third Edition includes new case studies, updated examples and statistics, and expanded discussions on timely topics, like the rise of ethnonationalism and white nationalism, and the impact of new media on global communication.

About the Author
Chapter 1: Opening the Conversation: Studying Intercultural Communication
Definitions of Culture

Studying Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Praxis in the Context of Globalization


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 2: Understanding the Context of Globalization
The Role of History in Intercultural Communication

The Role of Power in Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication in the Context of Globalization

Intercultural Dimensions of Economic Globalization

Intercultural Dimensions of Political Globalization

Intercultural Dimensions of Cultural Globalization


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 3: Globalizing Body Politics: Embodied Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Hip Hop Culture

Constructing Social Worlds Through Communication

Marking Difference Through Communication

The Social Construction of Race: From Colonization to Globalization

Resignifying Race in the Context of Globalization

Hip Hop Culture: Alternative Performances of Difference


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 4: (Dis)Placing Culture and Cultural Space: Locations of Nonverbal and Verbal Communication
Placing Culture and Cultural Space

Displacing Culture and Cultural Space

Case Study: Hip Hop Culture

Cultural Space, Power, and Communication


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 5: Privileging Relationships: Intercultural Communication in Interpersonal Contexts
Topography of Intercultural Relationships

Intercultural Relationships in the Workplace

Forming and Sustaining Intercultural Relationships

Cyberspace and Intercultural Relationships

Intercultural Alliances for Social Justice in the Global Context


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 6: Crossing Borders: Migration and Intercultural Adaptation

Historical Overview of World Migration

Migration Trends in the Context of Globalization

Theories of Migration and Intercultural Adaptation

Case Studies: Migration and Intercultural Adaptation


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 7: Jamming Media and Popular Culture: Analyzing Messages About Diverse Cultures
Media, Popular Culture, and Globalization

Popular Culture, Intercultural Communication, and Globalization

Global and Regional Media Circuits

Producing and Consuming Popular Culture

Popular Culture, Representation, and Resistance

Resisting and Re-Creating Media and Popular Culture


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 8: The Culture of Capitalism and the Business of Intercultural Communication
Historical Context: Capitalism and Globalization

The Culture of Capitalism

The Intercultural Marketplace

Case Study 1: Consuming and Romanticizing the “Other”

Case Study 2: Consuming and Desiring the “Other”

Case Study 3: Consuming Cultural Spectacles

Economic Responsibility and Intercultural Communication


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 9: Negotiating Intercultural Conflict and Social Justice: Strategies for Intercultural Relations
Intercultural Conflict: A Multidimensional Framework of Analysis

Case Study 1: Interpersonal Context

Case Study 2: Intergroup Context

Case Study 3: International and Global Context

Strategies for Addressing Intercultural Conflict


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 10: Engaging Intercultural Communication for Social Justice: Challenges and Possibilities for Global Citizenship
Becoming Global Citizens in the 21st Century

“Hope in the Dark”: From Despair to Empowerment

Intercultural Alliances for Social Justice

Case Study: Community Coalition of South Los Angeles


Key Terms

Discussion Questions and Activities



Instructor Website

Online resources included with this text

The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

Great book and instructor resources. I would like to get a hard desk copy too if possible. Thank you!

Dr Ramune Braziunaite
School of Communication, Cleveland State University
December 7, 2022
Key features


  • New and expanded discussions of timely topics include backlash to globalization and implications for intercultural communication, and the rise of the increasing impact of religious fundamentalism throughout the world.
  • New and expanded case studies further illuminate critical concepts, address current events, and illustrate how intercultural communication is a site of negotiation and contestation.
  • Increased attention to the centrality of new media includes its effects on global and intercultural communication.
  • Enhanced examples with current events and statistics better demonstrate methods of analysis central to intercultural praxis.
  • A globalization framework introduces students to the complex ways globalization impacts and alters all topics in intercultural communication, including verbal/nonverbal communication, migration/cultural adaptation, media and popular culture, interpersonal relationships, conflict, and identity.
  • A critical social justice approach provides students with the knowledge to understand current, historical, social, economic, and political inequities that impact intercultural communication on individual and systemic levels.
  • An emphasis on intercultural praxis—a process of critical thinking, reflection, and action—offers students practical guidelines for applying their knowledge and skills of intercultural communication in their everyday lives.
  • Chapter-opening learning objectives identify what students should be able to do upon completion of the reading.
  • Case studies highlight connections between local and global intercultural issues and illustrate a multilevel framework of analysis that attends to the complexities of intercultural communication in the global context through stories and experiences of people from diverse cultures.
  • Communicative Dimensions boxes allow students to explore vivid examples of intercultural communication in action to see how different facets of communication play out in the global intercultural context.
  • Cultural Identity boxes help students understand how communication and culture shape and reflect identity and in turn how identity plays a role in communicating within and across cultures.
  • Intercultural Praxis boxes emphasize ways of developing our awareness and using our power and positionality to enable more equitable and socially just relationships across different cultures by engaging in dialogue, reflecting, and taking informed action.
  • Chapter summaries, key terms, discussion questions, and activities allow students to review and apply chapter content to reinforce learning.

Sage College Publishing

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