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Institutional Theory in Organization Studies

Institutional Theory in Organization Studies

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

June 2012 | 1 848 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Institutional theory is a wide ranging body of work that has had, and continues to have, a huge impact in political science, sociology and organization studies. However, there remains a gap for a collection that addresses organizational institutionalism - by far the most used perspective within organization and management theory.

From the authors of the SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism, this major work takes stock of institutional theory by reviewing its foundations, current status and emerging new directions with a selection of the seminal articles that have appeared over the last 60 years.

John W. Meyer and Brian Rowan
Institutionalized Organizations
Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony

Lynne G. Zucker
The Role of Institutionalization in Cultural Persistence
Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell
The Iron Cage Revisited
Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields

W. R. Scott and J. W. Meyer
The Organization of Societal Sectors
Richard W. Scott
The Adolescence of Institutional Theory
Lynne G. Zucker
Institutional Theories of Organization
Walter W. Powell and Paul DiMaggio
Neil Fligstein
Markets as Politics
A Political-Cultural Approach to Market Institutions

W. Richard Scott
Crafting an Analytic Framework I
Three Pillars of Institutions

Christine Oliver
Strategic Responses to Institutional Processes
Ann Swidler
Culture in Action
Mark C. Suchman
Managing Legitimacy
Strategic and Institutional Approaches

Howard E. Aldrich and C. Fiol
Marlene, Fools Rush in? The Institutional Context of Industry Creation
Joel A.C. Baum and Christine Oliver
Institutional Linkages and Organizational Mortality
Michael Lounsbury and Mary Ann Glynn
Cultural Entrepreneurship
Stories, Legitimacy and the Acquisition of Resources

Pamela S. Tolbert and Lynne G. Zucker
Institutional Sources of Change in the Formal Structure of Organizations
The Diffusion of Civil Service Reform, 1880-1935

Gerald F. Davi
Agents without Principles? The Spread of the Poison Pill through the Intercorporate Network
Pamela R. Haunschild and Anne S. Miner
Modes of Interorganizational Imitation
The Effects of Outcome Salience and Uncertainty

James D. Westphal, Ranjay Gulati and Stephen M. Shortell
Customization or Conformity? An Institutional and Network Perspective on the Contents and Consequences of TQM Adoption
Matthew S. Kraatz
Learning by Association? Interorganizational Networks and Adaptation to Environmental Change
Isin Guler, Mauro F. Guillén and John Muir Macpherson
Global Competition, Institutions and the Diffusion of Organizational Practices
The International Spread of ISO 9000 Quality Certificates

Frank Dobbin et al
Equal-Opportunity Law and the Construction of Internal Labor Markets
Lauren B. Edelman
Legal Ambiguity and Symbolic Structures
Organizational Mediation of Civil Rights Law

Barbara Czarniawska and M. Warner Jorges
Travels of Ideas
David Strang and John W. Meyer
Institutional Conditions for Diffusion
David Strang and Sarah A. Soule
Diffusion in Organizations and Social Movements
From Hybrid Corn to Poison Pills

Roger Friedland and Robert R. Alford
Bringing Society back in
Symbols, Practices and Institutional Contradictions

Patricia H. Thornton and William Ocasio
Institutional Logics and the Historical Contingency of Power in Organizations
Executive Succession in the Higher Education Publishing Industry, 1958?1990

Nelson Phillips, Thomas B. Lawrence and Cynthia Hardy
Discourse and Institutions
Royston Greenwood, Roy Suddaby and C.R. Hinings
Theorizing Change
The Role of Professional Associations in the Transformation of Institutionalized Fields

Roy Suddaby and Royston Greenwood
Rhetorical Strategies of Legitimacy
Paul J. DiMaggio
Interest and Agency in Institutional Theory
Stephen R. Barley and Pamela S. Tolbert
Institutionalization and Structuration
Studying the Links between Action and Institution

Elisabeth S. Clemens and James M. Cook
Politics and Institutionalism
Explaining Durability and Change

Myeong-Gu Seo and W.E. Douglas Creed
Institutional Contradictions, Praxis and Institutional Change
A Dialectical Perspective

Andrew Hoffman
Institutional Evolution and Change
Environmentalism and the U.S. Chemical Industry

Huseyin Leblebici
Institutional Change and the Transformation of Interorganizational Fields
An Organizational History of the U.S. Radio Broadcasting Industry

Paul J. DiMaggio
Constructing an Organizational Field as a Professional Project
Hayagreeva Rao, Philippe Monin and Rodolphe Durand
Institutional Change in Toque Ville
Nouvelle Cuisine as an Identity Movement in French Gastronomy

Steve Maguire, Cynthia Hardy and Thomas B. Lawrence
Institutional Entrepreneurship in Emerging Fields
HIV/AIDS Treatment Advocacy in Canada

Royston Greenwood and C.R. Hinings
Understanding Radical Organizational Change
Bringing Together the Old and the New Institutionalism

Mike W. Peng
Institutional Transitions and Strategic Choices
Andrew A. King and Michael J. Lennox
Industry Self-Regulation without Sanctions
The Chemical Industry's Responsible Care Program

Royston Greenwood and Roy Suddaby
Institutional Entrepreneurship in Mature Fields
The Big Five Accounting Firms

John W. Meyer
Reflections on Institutional Theories of Organizations
Arthur L. Stinchcombe
On the Virtues of the Old Institutionalism
W. Richard Scott
An Overview and a Caution
Thomas B. Lawrence and Roy Suddaby
Institutions and Institutional Work
Walter W. Powell and Jeanette A. Colyvas
Micro-Foundations of Institutional Theory
Michael Lounsbury and Ellen T. Crumley
New Practice Creation
An Institutional Perspective on Innovation

Patricia H. Thornton and William Ocasio
Institutional Logics
Ezra W. Zuckerman
The Categorical Imperative
Securities Analysts and the Illegitimacy Discount

Julie Battilana and Silvia Dorado
Building Sustainable Hybrid Organizations
The Case of Commercial Micro-Finance Organizations

Anne-Claire Pache and Filipe Santos
When Worlds Collide
The Internal Dynamics of Organizational Responses to Conflicting Institutional Demands

Christopher Marquis, Mary Ann Glynn and Gerald F. Davis
Community Isomorphism and Corporate Social Action

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ISBN: 9780857023346