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Generating Data

Generating Data

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

December 2016 | 1 600 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Generating data is the defining aspect of empirical work. Data in this respect is understood as information-capacitated material that must be discovered, mined, unearthed - or a near limitless range of similar adjectives. This major work cross-cuts a number of substantive methodologies and is structured around seven groupings of research in four-volumes which provide the context for data generation:

Volume One: Naturalistic research

Volume Two: Interrogative research and Experimental research

Volume Three: Material research and De-centred research

Volume Four: Biographic research and Secondary research

Drawing on highly influential articles from sociology, social psychology, social anthropology, and education, this is a vital collection for researchers across the social sciences.

How I Learned What a Crock Was

Howard S. Becker
Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight

Clifford Geertz
On Being Sane in Insane Places

D.L. Rosenhan
Among the Thugs: The ‘New Ethnographies’ of Football Supporting Subcultures

John Hughson
Habitus as Topic and Tool: Reflections on Becoming a Prizefighter

Loïc Wacquant
‘Hidden Ethnography’: Crossing Emotional Borders in Qualitative Accounts of Young People’s Lives

Shane Blackman
Into the Dark Heart of Ethnography: The Lived Ethics and Inequality of Intimate Field Relationships

Katherine Irwin
Lumpen Abuse: The Human Cost of Righteous Neoliberalism

Philippe Bourgois
Framing Photographic Ethnography: A Case Study

Douglas Harper
Multimodal Ethnography

Bella Dicks, Bambo Soyinka and Amanda Coffey
From Policy to Prisoners to People: A ‘Soft Mixed Methods’ Approach to Studying Transgender Prisoners

Valerie Jenness
The Present of Things Past: Ethnography and Career Studies

John Van Maneen
Ethnographic Case Study (ECS): Abductive Modeling of Ethnography and Improving the Relevance in Business Marketing Research

Luca Massimiliano Visconti
Part One: Interrogative Research – Grounded Theory, Focus Group, Survey Research
Role Relationships and Conceptions of Neutrality in Interviewing

Lewis Anthony Dexter
Introduction: Elite and Specialized Interviewing

Lewis Anthony Dexter
Maori and Cross-Cultural Research: Criticality, Ethicality and Generosity

Tracey McIntosh
Are There Two Methods of Grounded Theory? Demystifying the Methodological Debate

Cheri Ann Hernandez
Choosing a Methodological Path: Reflections on the Constructivist Turn

Jenna Breckenridge, Derek Jones, Ian Elliott and Margaret Nicol
Remodeling Grounded Theory

Barney Glaser and Judith Holton
Crafting and Conducting Intensive Interviews

Kathy Charmaz
The Focussed Interview and Focus Groups: Continuities and Discontinuities

Robert K. Merton
Focus Groups

David L. Morgan
Focus Group Research: Retrospect and Prospect

George Kamberelis and Greg Dimitriadis
Thirty Years of Survey Methodology/Thirty Years of BMS

Edith de Leeuw
Interviews, Surveys, and the Problem of Ecological Validity

Aaron V. Cicourel
Overreporting of Prayer in Muslim Countries: Testing the Veracity of Self-Reported Religious Practice in the Muslim World

Philip Brenner
Part Two: Experimental Research – Group Research, Remote Instrumentation
Behavioral Study of Obedience

Stanley Milgram
On the Ethics of Intervention in Human Psychological Research: With Special Reference to the Stanford Prison Experiment

Philip Zimbardo
The Effect of Video Game Violence on Physiological Desensitization to Real-Life Violence

Nicholas L. Carnagey, Craig A. Anderson and Brad J. Bushman
Cyberball: A Program for Use in Research on Interpersonal Ostracism and Acceptance

Kipling D. Williams and Blair Jarvis
Consequences of Participating in a Longitudinal Study of Marriage

Joseph Veroff, Shirley Hatchett and Elizabeth Douvan
Experimentation and Social Interventions: A Forgotten but Important History

Ann Oakley
The Growth and Development of Experimental Research in Political Science

James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green, James H. Kulinski and Arthur Lupia
The Lost Letter Technique: A Tool of Social Research

Stanley Milgram, Leon Mann and Susan Harter
You’ve Got Mail: Using E-Mail to Examine the Effect of Prejudiced Attitudes on Discrimination against Arabs

Brad J. Bushman and Angelica M. Bonacci
A Focus Theory of Normative Conduct: Recycling the Concept of Norms to Reduce Littering in Public Places

Robert B. Cialdini, Raymond R. Reno and Carl A. Kallgren
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Js: Implicit Egotism and Interpersonal Attraction

John T. Jones, Brett W. Pelham, Mauricio Carvallo and Matthew C. Mirenberg
Colliding Human–Animal Trajectories (Road Kill!) on a Tasmanian Journey

Claudia Bell
Part One: Material Research – Artefacts, Trace Analysis, Visual Analysis and Content Analysis
Physical Traces: Erosion and Accretion

Eugene Webb, Donald T. Campbell, Richard D. Schwartz and Lee Sechrest
Unobtrusive Measures in Organizational Theory: A Reminder

Eugene Webb and Karl E. Weick
Unobtrusive Measurement: Using Police Information for Forensic Research

Laurence J. Alison, Brent Snook and Kristin L. Stein
Smile Intensity in Photographs Predicts Longevity

Ernest L. Abel and Michael L. Kruger
The Social Archeology of a Juvenile Facility: Unobtrusive Methods in the Study of Institutional Cultures

John M. Klofas and Charles R. Cutshall
Visual Sociology Reframed: An Analytical Synthesis and Discussion of Visual Methods in Social and Cultural Research

Luc Pauwels
Content Analysis – A Methodological Primer for Gender Research

Kimberly A. Neuendorf
Types of Humor in Television and Magazine Advertising

Codruta Catanescu and Gail Tom
Hoes and Hashtags: Constructions of Gender and Race in Trending Topics

Jodi L. Rightler-McDaniels and Elizabeth M. Hendrickson
Part Two: De-centred Research – Semiotics, Discourse Analysis and Psychoanalysis
Myth Today

Roland Barthes
Letter to a Japanese Friend. (Prof. Izutsu)

Jacques Derrida
The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in the Psychoanalytical Experience

Jacques Lacan
Decoding Advertisements: Conclusions

Judith Williamson
Unfreezing the Truth: Knowledge and Denial in Climate Change Imagery

Judith Williamson
Mediated Intimacy and Postfeminism: A Discourse Analytic Examination of Sex and Relationships Advice in a Women’s Magazine

Rosalind Gill
The Codes of the Dead: The Semiotics of Funeral Work

Stephen R. Barley
The Narcissism of Minor Differences: The Status Anxiety and Disciplinary Intolerance between Sociology and Psychoanalysis

Siamak Movahedi
Politics and the Impossible: Beyond Psychoanalysis and Deconstruction

Glyn Daly
Never Employable Enough: The (Im)Possibility of Satisfying the Boss’s Desire

Colin Cremin
The Couch and the Chador

Siamak Movahedi and Gohar Homayounpour
Part One: Biographic Research – Auto/Biographic Writing, Narrative Analysis, and Auto-Ethnography
Nomothetic and Idiographic Uses

Gordon Allport
‘Entering the Blogosphere’: Some Strategies for Using Blogs in Social Research

Nicholas Hookway
Narrative Configuration in Qualitative Analysis

Donald E. Polkinghorne
Positioning between Structure and Performance

Michael Bamberg
Blank Check for Biography? Openness and Ingenuity in the Management of the ‘Who-Am-I-Question’ and What Life Stories Actually May Not Be Good For

Michael Bamberg
Narrating Oneself: Reflections on the Use of Solicited Diaries with Diary Interviews

Charlotte Kenten
Another String to Our Bow: Participant Writing as Research Method

Vivienne Elizabeth
Autoethnography: An Overview

Carolyn Ellis, Tony E. Adams and Arthur P. Bochner
Analytic Autoethnography

Leon Anderson
An Autoethnography on Learning about Autoethnography

Sarah Wall
Becoming Smaller: Autobiographical Spaces of Weight Loss

Robyn Longhurst
Part Two: Secondary Research – Secondary Analysis, Documentary Research, Meta-Analysis
Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data: An Overview

Janet Heaton
Conceptualizing Young People's Strategies of Resistance to Offending as ‘Active Resilience’

Cathy Murray
Evidence and Proof in Documentary Research: 1: Some Specific Problems of Documentary Research

Jennifer Platt
Evidence and Proof in Documentary Research: 2: Some Shared Problems of Documentary Research

Jennifer Platt
Analysing Documentary Realities

Paul Atkinson and Amanda Coffey
Documenting the UK “Black Fish Scandal” as a Case Study of Criminal Entrepreneurship

Robert Smith
Developing Qualitative Research Streams Relating to Illegal Rural Enterprise: Reflections on Researching Qualitatively at the Margins of Entrepreneurship Research

Robert Smith and Gerard McElwee
Meta-Analysis: Recent Developments in Quantitative Methods for Literature Reviews

R. Rosenthal and M.R. Di Matteo
Meta-Analysis in Criminal Justice and Criminology: What It Is, When It's Useful, and What to Watch Out For

Travis C. Pratt
How Can Systematic Reviews Incorporate Qualitative Research? A Critical Perspective

Mary Dixon-Woods, Sheila Bonas, Andrew Booth, David R. Jones, Tina Miller, Alex J. Sutton, Rachel L. Shaw, Jonathan A. Smith and Bridget Young

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ISBN: 9781473907829