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Essential Readings in Management Learning

Essential Readings in Management Learning

First Edition
Edited by:

October 2004 | 440 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This volume brings together some of the best writing published in the journal Management Learning since its re-launch under this title in 1994. The selection very much reflects the mission of the journal to act as a showcase for innovative, international and interdisciplinary work which covers a wide gamut of issues connected to management, organizations, learning and knowledge. The field of management learning, widely drawn in this way, brings together some of the key preoccupations within several areas of management, organization studies and social science more generally. Learning and knowledge have become central themes within thee areas for several reasons, both practical and theoretical. These include the way that organizational learning is seen as a key source of competitive advantage, and the wider analysis that individuals and organizations now inhabit a `knowledge economy'. Theoretically, recent years have seen emerging understandings of the social significance of `communities of practice', whilst learning in its many manifestations is increasingly seen as being imbricated in issues of power. This latter points to one of the particular areas which has been a focus for the journal, namely more critically orientated approaches to management learning.

This collection provides readings grouped under six key headings which reflect where some of the most influential and provocative work in the field has been done over recent years, namely:

- Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations

- Individual Learning

- Critical Approaches to Management Education and Learning

- Pedagogical Practice

- Globalization and Management Learning

- Beyond Management Learning

Along with an editorial introduction, this volume will provide a unique and invaluable resource for anyone studying or researching management learning and cognate areas, by bringing together some of the best peer-reviewed work in the field.

A Edmondson and B Moingeon
From Organizational Learning to the Learning Organization
M Popper and R Lipshitz
Organizational Learning
Mechanisms, Culture and Feasibility

A [um]Ortenblad
A Typology of the Idea of Learning Organization
B Elkjaer
The Learning Organization
An Undelivered Promise

D Megginson
Planned and Emergent Learning
Consequences for Development

J C Spender
Knowing, Managing and Learning
A Dynamic Managerial Epistemology

I Richter
Individual and Organizational Learning at the Executive Level
Towards a Research Agenda

C Grey and N Mitev
Management Education
A Polemic

G Dehler, A Welsh and M Lewis
Critical Pedagogy in the New Paradigm
Raising Complicated Understanding in Management Learning

J M Cavanaugh
Head Games
Introducing Tomorrow's Business Elites to Institutionalized Inequality

A Sinclair
Teaching Managers about Masculinities
Are You Kidding?

T Watson
That's Maslow, Isn't It?

N Raab
Becoming an Expert in Not Knowing
Reframing Teacher as Consultant

K Ayas and N Zeniuk
Project-Based Learning
Building Communities of Reflective Practitioners

R Kumar and J-C Usunier
Management Education in a Globalizing World
Lessons from the French Experience

Y Fan
The Transfer of Western Management to China
Context, Content and Constraints

M Kostera
The Modern Crusade
The Missionaries of Management Come to Eastern Europe

S McKenna
Learning through Complexity
D Skinner, J Holloway and C Tagg
Managers and Research
The Pros and Cons of Qualitative Approaches

S S Taylor, D Fisher and RL Dufresne
The Aesthetics of Management Storytelling
A Key to Organizational Learning


This has been recommended as essential reading for students undertaking the subject of management learning. Considers much of the debate around management learning practices and provides useful background on the theory of learning applied within a management context.

Ms Alison Davies
Management , BPP Business School
February 9, 2010

Sample Materials & Chapters

Pdf file of chapter 2

Pdf file of chapter 1

Sage College Publishing

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