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Doing Research

Doing Research
Methods of Inquiry for Conflict Analysis

First Edition

March 2005 | 408 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Winner of the 2006 outstanding book award (for books published in 2004-2005) from the International Association for Conflict Management at their annual meeting held in Montreal!

An award-winning book, Doing Research is a must read. Designed for students across a variety of social science disciplines, it is the first research methods text devoted to conflict analysis and resolution. It begins with a discussion of the philosophical foundations for doing research, providing guidelines on how to develop research questions and how these questions can be addressed with various methodologies. The book presents a wide-ranging treatment of both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the design and analysis of problems of conflict.

The approaches covered include experiments, simulations and models, surveys, single and comparative case studies, ethnographies, content analysis, narrative analysis, evaluation research, action research, and research consulting. These approaches come alive in a variety of applications culled from the published literature. A concluding chapter provides an integration of the various methodologies, including their complementary strengths. Throughout the book, author Daniel Druckman illustrates the value of a multi-method approach to doing research on conflict analysis and more generally across the social sciences.

Key Features

  • Guides readers through how to do literature reviews and ask research questions, easing students into the research process
  • Weaves together qualitative and quantitative, as well as deductive and inductive, approaches to analysis, allowing for the widest possible diversity in methodology
  • Includes numerous examples from published articles and dissertations and a discussion of research consulting

Doing Research is perfectly suited as a text for research methods courses across the social sciences, especially those dealing with conflict analysis in departments of political science, communication, psychology, sociology, and management. Professional researchers and consultants will also want to add this book to their libraries for guidance on multi-method techniques.

"This is an extremely important book for our field because it is the first research methods book that focuses on techniques that are common in this area but transcends disciplines. I am confident that the book will be used widely in our field because it is both practical and engaging."
-- William A. Donohoe, Michigan State University

"Doing Research is a gem. It provides multiple research methods and models focusing on conflict analysis and resolution that can be used by any student in a variety of social science disciplines or fields of study. I wish this book had been written 20 years ago."
—Brian Polkinghorn, Salisbury State University

"Doing Research is the most widely acclaimed book on research methods for conflict resolution students to appear in recent years. The book provides a wonderfully rich array of ideas about ways to do research for both the scholar and practitioner--pracademic--enriching the analysis and practice in the conflict resolution field. The author has a diverse intellectual background and his wide-ranging research experience informs the contributions made by this book to conflict analysis and resolution and to related social-science fields."
—Sean Byrne, University of Manitoba

Doing Research on Conflict
Part Introduction
Why Do Research?
Research Foundations: Debating Points

Research Motivations, Assumptions, Questions

Some Contributions from Research on Conflict

Discussion Questions

Getting Started to Do Research
Where Ideas Come From

Choosing a Research Topic

Alternative Methodological Approaches

Choosing an Approach

Discussion Questions

Performing Experiments
Part Introduction
Designing Experiments and Conducting Simulations
The Experimental Method: An Overview

Internal and External Validity

Experimental Designs: Examples from CA&R


Discussion Questions

Evaluating Data from Experiments: Methods of Analysis
Essential Ideas of Statistical Analysis

Measurement and Statistical Power: Two-Group Designs

Measurement and Power: Three-Group Designs

Factorial Designs

Repeated Measures and Other ANOVA Designs


Discussion Questions

Designing and Conducting Surveys
Part Introduction
Survey Research

Survey Research Design



Data Collection



Discussion Questions

Doing Case-Based Research
The Case-Study Method: An Overview
Enhanced-Case and Time Series Analyses
Theory and the Case Study

Time-Series Designs and Analyses

Systematic Expert Judgment

Qualitative Time-Series Analysis


Comparative Case Study Approaches
Focussed Case Comparisons

Aggregate Case Comparisons

Discussion Questions

Writing Ethnographies
Part Introduction
Ethnographic Methods
What is Ethnography?

Why do Ethnography?

The Logic of Ethnography

Making Sense of Other Worlds

Taking Notes

The Ethnographer's Tool Kit

Discussion Questions

Analyzing Documents: Texts and Process Analysis
Part Introduction
Content Analysis
Overview of the Approach

Technical Issues for the Content Analyst

Content Analysis Applications

Discussion Questions

Narrative Analysis
Overview of the Approach

Narrative Theory

Analysis of Narratives

Discussion Questions

Evaluating Interventions and Applying Research
Part Introduction
Evaluation Research
Challenges of Evaluation

Tasks in an Evaluation Project

Evaluation Issues

Evaluating Interventions: An Example of a Framework

Discussion Questions

Research for Action and Consulting
Basic and Applied Research

Action Research

Research Consulting

Discussion Questions

Part Introduction
From Philosophies to Research Methods: The Value of Doing Research in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Doing Research: Philosophies and Methodologies

Research Issues

Summary of Methods Covered

Comparing the Methodologies: Experiments, Surveys, and Case Studies

Types of Data

Wrapping Up


Doing Research is a gem. It provides multiple research methods and models focusing on conflict analysis and resolution that can be used by any student in a variety of social science disciplines or fields of study. I wish this book had been written 20 years ago.

Brian Polkinghorn
Salisbury State University

Doing Research is the most widely acclaimed book on research methods for conflict resolution students to appear in recent years. The book makes a unique contribution to the conflict resolution field by providing a comprehensive overview of the cutting edge methodological approaches in the field. The book provides a wonderfully rich array of ideas about ways to do research for both the scholar and practitioner--pracademic--enriching the analysis and practice in the conflict resolution field. The author of a diverse intellectual background and experiences bases his contribution to the course on conflict analysis and resolution theory, and empirical evidence experience. He makes a highly valuable contribution to applying multi-methods to concrete examples from the conflict resolution field.

Sean Byrne
University of Manitoba

"Provides a valuable tool to those dealing with conflict analysis in a variety of disciplines and professions. The first of its kind, this book is expecially suited to conflict studies because Druckman demonstrates the value of multi-methods approches as a research program in a context 'moving vertically form small to large studies and moving horizontally from simulations to case studes'...Doing Research highlights just such complementarity and provides a 'foundation for the way methodologies can be used for social science research'."

Social Justice: Anthropology, Peace and Human Rights
Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University

this book is both thought provoking and practical as far as the research agenda is concerned

Mr Emmanuel Asante
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Nottingham University
March 11, 2016

This book provides a comprehensive insight on the key elements of social research. Its content is significantly aligned to the instructional parameters of the course.

Mr Andrew Hicks
Faculty of Social Sciences/Department of Sociology, University of Guyana
February 1, 2015

Great material for the field of conflict resolution

conflict analysis, Salisbury University
January 19, 2011
Key features
  • Written in an engaging fashion
  • Employs real-world examples to bring methods to life.
  • Covers qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.

This title is also available on SAGE Research Methods, the ultimate digital methods library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.