Research in Psychology
Research Methods
Experimental Design
Survey Design
Descriptive Statistics
Some Principles of Statistical Inference
Examining Differences between Means
Examining Relationships between Variables
Research Ethics
Managing Uncertainty in Psychological Research
The chapters in detail
Chapter One: Introduction
`Why do I have to do this?'; the structure of this book and an overview of the chapters; how to use this book
Chapter Two: Research in Psychology: Objectives and Ideals
What is psychological research and why do it?; how does psychological research progress?; principles of good research; some notes of caution
Chapter Three: Research Methods
Psychological measurement; the experimental method; the quasi-experimental method; the survey method; the case study method; overview
Chapter Four: Experimental Design
Choosing an independent variable; choosing a dependent variable; choosing an experimental sample; threats to internal validity; threats to external validity
Chapter Five: Survey Design
The differences between surveys and experiments; setting the question; finding a sample; types of survey; overview: designing a survey
Chapter Six: Descriptive Statistics
Different forms of research data; describing a typical score: measures of central tendency; the relationship between measures of central tendency and a response distribution; describing the spread of scores: measures of dispersion; observed distributions
Chapter Seven: Some Principles of Statistical Inference
Statistical inference; inferences about individual scores; inferences about means; overview
Chapter Eight: Examining Differences between Means: The t-test
t-distribution; comparing the results for a single sample to a specific value; within-subjects
t-tests; between-subjects
t-tests; the controversy about what to do with
t-values; handling the results of
Chapter Nine: Examining Relationships between Variables: Correlation
Some basic principles of correlation; the measurement of correlation; interpreting and making inferences about correlations; some notes of caution; conclusion
Chapter Ten: Research Ethics
Science and society; participation in research; research with animals; final comment
Chapter Eleven: Conclusion: Managing Uncertainty in Psychological Research
`Where has all this got us?'; managing uncertainty in psychological research; final comment
Appendices: Step-by-step guides to computing t-tests and correlations; statistical tables