Critical Social Research Ethics, 4v
Four-Volume Set
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Barry Smart - University of Portsmouth, UK
- Kay Peggs - Kingston University London, UK
- Joseph Burridge - University of Portsmouth, UK
April 2018 | 1 376 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Critical Reflections on Ethics in Social Research
Barry Smart and Kay Peggs
Part One: Philosophy, ethics and social inquiry: themes and issues
Aristotle on the Objectivity of Ethics
Robert Bolton
Professional Ethics
Emile Durkheim
The Ethics of Intellectual Life and Work
T. Fowler
The Philosophical Basis of Ethics
George H. Mead
The Sociological Basis of Ethics
Charles A. Ellwood
Sociology as Ethics
Edward Cary Hayes
Science and Ethics
Bertrand Russell
Metaethics and Normative Ethics
Alan Gewirth
The Position of Women as Influencing Ethics
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Social Science Research Ethics: Historical and Philosophical Issues
Karen Strohm Kitchener and Richard Kitchener
Part Two: Alternative perspectives on ethics, science and social research
Ethics as a Measure of Scientific Truth
P.K. Feyerabend
Postmodern Ethical Conditions and a Critical Response
Neta C. Crawford
Constrained Constructivism: Locating Scientific Inquiry in the Theater of Representation
N. Katherine Hayles
Feminist Research Ethics
Judith Preissle and Yuri Han
Posthuman Ethics with Cary Wolfe and Karen Barad: Animal Compassion as Trans-Species Entanglement
Florence Chiew
Assembling Ethics in an Ecology of Ignorance
Paul Rabinow
Part One: Universities, ethical principles and the practice of social research
Professional Ethics
Andrew Abbott
Ethical Influences in University Life
Crawford Howell Toy
Research Policy and Funding – Academic Treadmills and the Squeeze on Intellectual Spaces
Katherine Smith
Audit Culture and Illiberal Governance: Universities and the Politics of Accountability
Cris Shore
The Ethics of Multiple Authorship: Power, Performativity and the Gift Economy
Bruce Macfarlane
An Analysis of the Ethics of Peer Review and Other Traditional Academic Publishing Practices
Valentine Cawley
The Academic Ethics of Open Access to Research and Scholarship
John Willinsky and Juan Pablo Alperin
Researching Researchers: Lessons for Research Ethics
Rose Wiles, Vikki Charles, Graham Crow and Sue Heath
Measuring Scientific Misconduct—Lessons from Criminology
Felicitas Hesselmann, Verena Wienefoet and Martin Reinhart
Part Two: Ethics committees and ethical review: analysis and critique
Research Ethics Committees: Values and Power in Higher Education
Ruth McAreavey and Jenny Muir
Research Participants’ Views on Ethics in Social Research: Issues for Research Ethics Committees
Jane Lewis and Jenny Graham
Ethics Creep: Governing Social Science Research in the Name of Ethics
Kevin Haggert
Comment on Kevin D. Haggerty, “Ethics Creep: Governing Social Science Research in the Name of Ethics”
Howard S. Becker
The Ethical Dilemma of Ethical Committees
Stuart Derbyshire
Confronting the Anti-Democrats: The Unethical Nature of Ethical Regulation in Social Science
Robert Dingwall
Conducting Research with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations: Navigating Research Ethics Board Reviews
Lea Tufford et al.
Against the Ethicists: On the Evils of Ethical Regulation
Martin Hammersley
Extending the Olive Branch: Enhancing Communication and Trust between Research Ethics Committees and Qualitative Researchers
Suzanne McMurphy, Jacqueline Lewis and Pierre Boulos
Seeking University Research Ethics Committee Approval: The Emotional Vicissitudes of a ‘Rationalised’ Process
Lee F. Monaghan, Maria O’Dwyer and Jonathan Gabe
Are Research Ethics Committees Behaving Unethically? Some Suggestions for Improving Performance and Accountability
Julian Savulescu, Iain Chalmers and Jennifer Blunt
The Case against Ethics Review in the Social Sciences
Zachary Schrag
Reputational Risk, Academic Freedom and Research Ethics Review
Adam Hedgecoe
Part One: (Un)ethical Research, Contested Knowledge and Critical Social Inquiry
Tracking the Truth or Selling One's Soul? Reflections on the Ethics of a Piece of Commissioned Research
Vince Ham
Ten Lies of Ethnography: Moral Dilemmas of Field Research
Gary Alan Fine
Clinical Research Fraud
Jane Barrett
The Ethics of Using Medical Data from Nazi Experiments
Baruch Cohen
The Ethics of Social Research: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber and Patricia Leavy
African Americans’ Views on Research and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Vicki Freimuth et al.
Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority
Stanley Milgram
“Torture at Yale”: Experimental Subjects Laboratory Torment and the “Rehabilitation” of Milgram’s “Obedience to Authority”
Ian Nicholson
Promises, Promises: Lessons in Research Ethics from the Belfast Project and the “Rape Tape” Case
Kay Inkle
Philosophical Reflections on Experimenting with Human Subjects
Hans Jonas
An Unfortunate Experiment at National Women’s
Sandra Coney and Phillida Bunkle
Part Two: Questions of Ethics, Consent, and Confidentiality
Ethics in Action: Consent–Gaining Interactions and Implications for Research Practice
Susan Speer and Elizabeth Stokoe
Removing the ‘Gag’: Involving People with Dementia in Research as Advisers and Participants
Jenni Brooks, Nada Savitch and Kate Gridley
Consent and Informed Consent: Their Ongoing Evolutions in Clinical Care and Research on Humans
Dennis J. Mazur
Research without Consent
Paul Spicker
“You Still Takin’ Notes?” Fieldwork and Problems of Informed Consent
Barrie Thorne
The Betrayal of Research Confidentiality in British Sociology
John Lowmans and Ted Palys
Four Pillars of Internet Research Ethics with Web 2.0
Barry Rooke
Informed Consent and the Facebook Emotional Manipulation Study
Catherine Flick
Part One: Divisions, Differences, and Diversity: Critical Ethical Dilemmas in Social Research
Reflections and Recommendations on Research Ethics in Developing Countries
S.R. Benatar
Ethnic Diversity and Inequality: Ethical and Scientific Rigour in Social Research
Sarah Salway et al.
Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Research among Internally Displaced People: Ethical Theory and Research Implementation
Chesmal Siriwardhana et al.
Women, Genocide and Memory: The Ethics of Feminist Ethnography in Holocaust Research
Janet Liebman Jacobs
Philsophy, Ethics and the Disability Community
Martin Sullivan
The Problem of Speaking for Others
Linda Alcoff
Speaking about Others and Speaking Personally: Reflections after Elspeth Probyn's Sexing the Self
Nick Couldry
Where Are Human Subjects in Big Data Research? The Emerging Ethics Divide
Jacob Metcalf and Kate Crawford
Part Two: Elites and Social Research: Critical Engagements
Elites: Remembered in Capitalism and Forgotten in Social Sciences
Mike Savage and Karel Williams
Methodological Dilemmas and Opportunities in Interviewing Organizational Elites
Kevin Delaney
Culture, Power, and Social Disparity: Researching Russia’s Upper Class
Elisabeth Schimpfossl
On Studying the Powerful (or Fearing to Do So): A Vital Role for IRBs
Joan Sieber
Ethics and Politics of Studying Up in Technoscience
Diana Forsythe
“Surely You’re Not in This Just to Be Helpful” Access, Rapport and Interviews in Three Studies of Elites
Susan A. Ostrander
Today’s Intellectuals: Too Obedient?
Fred Inglis