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Whether you’ve already read the print or not, don’t miss out on the audio experience of these three bestselling books in our inaugural audio books programme.
Dave Mearns & Mick Cooper
This groundbreaking title goes to the very heart of the therapeutic meeting between therapist and client. Focusing on the concept of 'relational depth', it describes a form of encounter in which therapist and client experience profound feelings of contact and engagement with each other, and in which the client has an opportunity to explore whatever is experienced as most fundamental to her or his existence.
Dave Mearns, Brian Thorne & John McLeod
It is now 25 years since the first edition of Person-Centred Counselling in Action appeared, offering the definitive exposition of the theory and practice of the person-centred approach. It will be an invaluable resource for those embarking on their first stages of training. Well-established practitioners and even seasoned scholars will continue to find much to interest and stimulate them.
One of the most reliable guides to psychodynamic therapy, it became a huge success upon its initial publication and remains the gold standard to this day. Provides well-organised and comprehensive summaries of the main theories and illustrations of psychodynamic counselling drawn from Michael Jacobs own work will inspire students and trainees on counselling and therapy courses.
Available to download on:
Audible, Google, Apple, Kobo and a host of other audio platforms.