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Completing a Qualitative Project

Completing a Qualitative Project
Details and Dialogue

Edited by:

July 1997 | 416 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
What do I do after the data analysis is done? This is one of the questions that plague most writers doing qualitative research, and it is one of the key questions that inform this new work by Janice Morse, Director of the International Institute of Qualitative Methodology at the University of Alberta. Together with a contributor panel of 22 renowned and frequently-published qualitative research authors, Dr. Morse explores a wide range of topics, from the nuts and bolts (protecting participantsÆ confidentiality, finishing a project, developing the writing topic, finding other approaches), to the angst of the publishing process (critiquing qualitative research dealing with refection, responding to criticism), and from the methodological (linking qualitative and quantitative research, and performing participatory action research and qualitative meta-analysis) to application (generalizability in qualitative research, the politicking of research results, qualitative research in policy development). These discussions make Completing a Qualitative Project a perfect companion volume for Dr. MorseÆs early volumes, Qualitative Nursing Research and Critical Issues in Qualitative Research. WhatÆs more, since the development of the book provided for input from the contributors on the othersÆ chapters, each article combines the wisdom of the entire contributor panel and is followed by a dialogue on a related topic. These dialogues resulted from intense brainstorming sessions among the contributors. In perusing the book readers will be comforted to learn that they are not alone in their qualitative writing endeavors. Completing a Qualitative Project is intended to inform, support, cajole, and inspireùaltogether and enlightening read!

Janice M Morse
Recognizing the Power of Qualitative Research
On Terminating a Project

Joyceen S Boyle
Writing It Up
Dissecting the Dissertation

What Do I Publish?

Juliene G Lipson
The Politics of Publishing
Protecting Participants' Confidentiality


Holly Skodol Wilson and Sally Ambler Hutchinson
Presenting Qualitative Research Up Close
Visual Literacy in Poster Presentations

Other Ways to Do Things

Judy R Norris
Meaning through Form
Alternative Modes of Knowledge Representation

On `Helping' or Working with Students

The Art (and Science) of Critiquing Qualitative Research

Sally Thorne
Publish or Perish

Phyllis Noerager Stern
Strategies for Overcoming the Rage of Rejection
The Case of the Qualitative Researcher

The Downside of Blind Review

Responding to Criticism

Judith E Hupcey
The Application of Theory

Considering Theory Derived from Qualitative Research

Janice M Morse

Joy L Johnson
Generalizability in Qualitative Research
Excavating the Discourse

On Labeling a Research Program

Margarete J Sandelowski
Programmatic Qualitative Research
Or, Appreciating the Importance of Gas Station Pumps

Research Programs

Joan Bottorff
Linking Qualitative and Quantitative Research
New Avenues for Programmatic Research

On Intervention

Janice Swanson, Roberta Durham and Judith Albright
Clinical Utilization/Application of Qualitative Research

Judith Wuest and Marilyn Merritt-Gray
Participatory Action Research
Practical Dilemmas and Emancipatory Possibilities

Sorting out Meta-Analysis

Qualitative Meta-Analysis

Rita Schreiber, Dauna Crooks and Phyllis Noerager Stern
Explaining Methods

Katharyn A May
The Politicking of Research Results
As Hired Guns

Martha Ann Carey
Qualitative Research in Policy Development
What to Do When Stumped by the Media

Marjorie A Muecke
Policy as Forethought in Qualitative Research
A Paradigm From Developing Country Social Scientists


An excellent book which can be used to develop research skills among honours degree students and potential post graduate researchers.

Dr Des Cawley
Nursing and health Science, Athlone Institute of Technology
December 8, 2011

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ISBN: 9781452249896

ISBN: 9780761906018