Case Study Research
What, Why and How?
How should case studies be selected? Is case study methodology fundamentally different to that of other methods? What, in fact, is a case?
Case Study Research: What, Why and How? is an authoritative and nuanced exploration of the many faces of case-based research methods. As well as the what, how, and why, the author also examines the when and which – always with an eye on practical applications to the design, collection, analysis, and presentation of the research.
Case study methodology can prove a confusing and fragmented topic. In bringing diverse notions of case study research together in one volume and sensitizing the reader to the many varying definitions and perceptions of 'case study', this book equips researchers at all levels with the knowledge to make an informed choice of research strategy.
This is a very good general introduction to the case study methodology. It does a good job of covering all the relevant pros and cons of case studies, and is reasonable in its discussion of the method's limitations. The book lacks specificity to my field (business studies), and that is the only reason why I would not make it mandatory reading. The author manages to say an awful lot in few words, which makes a refreshing change. For researchers wishing to understand the method, it is a worthy text. There was one problem: the writer does not discuss the philosophical status of the case study method. Grounded theory is mentioned, but alternatives are not.
The book does not locate case study research within a particular onotological position - it is therefore more suitable for undergraduates and those studying within a positivistic/empirical tradition. Our course includes a grounded theory approach, in which case studies are more than just a less valid type of statistical analysis. This book has therefore not been adopted.
Very good book, very help, makes a clear explanation of the ins and outs of casestudy research.
A useful text in places and well structured.
Useful, it will be between this book and the Yin book for next year. This one is better but also a bit dated.
A very useful text for those who do case studies.
A useful supplemental book for those students considering research methodologies. The text is easily understood and helpful for students at post graduate level.
This is helpful, readable guide that introduces and develops key elements of case study process and design. The examples allow readers to see how theory can be translated into a range of real life contexts. The seven chapters attempt to systematically unravel some of the complexities of this intersting methodology.
Case study research what, why and how examines the ways in which qualitative and quantitative research methods can be used within case study research. The book contains seven chapters which locate case study research methodology within a broad methodological framework. The text provides a useful bibliography which can be used as a guide to the key publications written about case study research. This book is informative for students and researchers from different fields of research as it covers issues relating to the theory and the ongoing science debate about case study research, in terms of the problem of generalisation and application of theory to case study research. It illustrates how to analyse the data collected from case studies and the author presents the concept of ‘degrees of freedom’ which relates to useful techniques which can be employed to increase the reliability of the data gathered and analysed from case studies. The book contains end of chapter exercises and provides useful lists of key terms. The reading level of this book is suitable for postgraduate students and researchers. Case study research what, why is essential reading for students and researchers seeking to understand the theoretical background to case studies and the research methods that can be employed within them.
Recommend reading for those adopting the Case Study approach to their research.