Indranil Bose Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India
Indranil Bose is Professor of Management Information Systems at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. He is also Coordinator of the IIMC Case Research Center and Chairperson, Postgraduate Diploma in Business Analytics. He holds a B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, MS from the University of Iowa, MS and Ph.D. from Purdue University. His research interests are in telecommunications, business analytics, information security, and supply chain management. His publications have appeared in Communications of the ACM, Communications of AIS, Computers and Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, Ergonomics, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE IT Professional, Information & Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Operations Research Letters etc. He is listed in the International Who’s Who of Professionals, Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Marquis Who’s Who in Asia, Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, and Marquis Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders. He serves as Senior Editor of Decision Support Systems and Associate Editor of Communications of AIS, Information & Management, and several other IS journals.