Ellsworth R. Fuhrman
Science, Technology, & Human Values recently welcomed Ellsworth R. (Skip) Fuhrman as its new editor. Currently a Professor of Sociology and Science and Technology Studies at
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, he served as Director of the Center for the Study of Science in Society 1984-87 at Virginia tech and as a member of the 4S council from 1989-91 where he also was liaison to the AAAS. He has served as associate editor, deputy editor and editor of the following journals: Science Studies, Sociological Inquiry, and The Journal of Applied behavioral Science. Professor Fuhrman has been a Fullbright Professor and has authored numerous articles in journals such as: Contemporary Sociology, The American Sociologist, Sociological Quarterly, human Studies, Social Studies of Science, and Science,
Technology and Human Values. He is also the author of the following books: The Sociology of Knowledge in America, 1883-1915; Contemporary Issues in Theory and Research: A
metasociological Perspective; Sociology Surfing the World Wide Web; and The Transformation of Self and Society.