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A History of Race Relations Research

A History of Race Relations Research
First Generation Recollections

Volume: 159

July 1993 | 286 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Winner of the Outstanding Book Award on the subject matter of human rights in North America by The Gustavus Myers Center While race relations research is currently a central topic in most social science disciplines, it was not long ago that it was a stigmatized, understudied specialty. How this transformation took place is the focus of this fascinating volume. Here, many of the key figures in the post-World War II development of race research tell their own stories--of their experiences with race and racism, of the developing interest in understanding race as a social force, and of the major milestones that established it as a legitimate research domain. Through a mixture of personal and intellectual biographical information by such noted figures as Bob Blauner, Daniel Fusfeld, Milton Gordon, Lewis Killian, Harry Kitano, Hyland Lewis, Stanley Lieberson, Thomas Pettigrew, Richard Robbins, Peter Rose, Pierre van den Berghe, and Frank Westie, this collection of life histories gives the reader an insider's history of this exciting field of study. For students and professionals across the social sciences, this book is a must.

John H Stanfield II
Bob Blauner
`But Things Are Much Worse for the Negro People'
Race and Radicalism in my Life and Work

Daniel R Fusfeld
Studying the Ghetto Economy
Milton M Gordon
From Assimilation to Human Nature (and Back)
John H Stanfield II
`Friendly Margins'
A Wonderful Afternoon With Hylan Lewis

Lewis M Killian
A Sociologist Prospers in the Race Relations Industry
Harry H L Kitano
In Search of an Identity
Stanley Lieberson
Jews, Blacks and A Piece of the Pie
A Memoir

Thomas F Pettigrew
How Events Shape Theoretical Frames
A Personal Statement

Richard Robbins
From Home to HBCUs
A Sociologist's Reflections on Change and Transition in the Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Peter I Rose
White Liberal
Some Reflections on Personal and Professional Socialization and the Field of Race Relations

Pierre L van den Berghe
A Francophone African Encounters the Theory and Practice of American Race Relations
Frank R Westie
Race Stratification and the Culture of Legitimation

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ISBN: 9780803950047

ISBN: 9780803950054