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Transcultural Psychiatry

Transcultural Psychiatry

eISSN: 14617471 | ISSN: 13634615 | Current volume: 61 | Current issue: 6 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Now included in Thomson Reuters’ (ISI) Journal Citation Reports in both Psychiatry and Anthropology.

Transcultural Psychiatry is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on cultural psychiatry and mental health. Transcultural Psychiatry provides a channel of communication for psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, and social scientists concerned with the social and cultural determinants of psychopathology and psychosocial treatments of mental and behavioural problems in individuals, families and communities.

"Bridging the disciplines, Transcultural Psychiatry is devoted to an encyclopedic examination of the relationship between culture and psychiatry. Theoretically and geographically comprehensive, it makes indispensable reading for everyone interested in mental health." Margaret Lock, McGill University, Canada

"The oldest and still one of the most authoritative and important scholarly and professional resources in the study of cross-cultural psychopathology and psychotherapy... Essential reading for clinicians, researchers, and students." Anthony J. Marsella, University of Hawaii, USA

"Many of us have come to rely on the thoughtful and thorough reviews of key topics and critical issues we have come to expect from the journal." Mitchell Weiss, Swiss Tropical Institute, Switzerland

"The oldest and still the most prestigious journal in the field." Wolfgang Jilek, World Psychiatric Association

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Transcultural Psychiatry is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on cultural psychiatry and mental health. Cultural psychiatry is concerned with the social and cultural determinants of psychopathology and psychosocial treatments of the range of mental and behavioural problems in individuals, families and communities. In addition to the research methods of psychiatry, it draws from the disciplines of epidemiology, medical anthropology and cultural psychology.

Transcultural Psychiatry publishes original research reports, systematic reviews, case reports, book reviews and letters to the editor on all topics relevant to cultural psychiatry and mental health, including:

  • social and cultural factors that influence the origins, course and treatment of psychiatric disorders
  • the mental health of indigenous peoples, ethnocultural minorities, immigrants and refugees
  • indigenous psychiatric theory and practice (ethnopsychiatry) including scientific evaluation of the knowledge and methods of traditional healing systems
  • cultural critique of biomedical ('Western') psychiatric theory and practice
  • international and cross-national research and practice in mental health.

Transcultural Psychiatry began publication in 1956 (as Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review) to provide a forum for communication between psychiatrists and social scientists around the world concerned with the relationship between culture and mental health and is essential for clinicians working in multicultural or intercultural settings and for research workers in the borderlands between psychiatry, psychology and anthropology.

Eric Jarvis McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Editor Emeritus
Laurence J Kirmayer McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Managing Editors
Dörte Bemme McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Associate Editors
Renato D. Alarcón Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Peru
Junko Kitanaka Keio University, Japan
Lily Kpobi University of Ghana, Ghana
Roland Littlewood University College, London, UK
Zhiying Ma University of Chicago, USA
Meryam Schouler-Ocak Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Qualitative Methods Editors
Danielle Groleau McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Carol Kidron University of Haifa, Israel
Robert Whitley McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Statistical Editors
Marina Doucerain Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Andrew Rasmussen Fordham University, USA
Andrew G. Ryder Concordia University, Canada
Editorial Board
Neil Aggarwal Columbia University, USA
Kamaldeep Bhui Queen Mary University of London, UK
Gilles Bibeau Université de Montréal, Canada
Simon Dein Durham University, UK
Jaswant Guzder McGill University, Canada
Rachel Kronick McGill University, Canada
Toby Measham McGill University, Canada
Lucie Nadeau McGill University, Canada
Eugene Raikhel University of Chicago, USA
Hans Rohlof National Dutch Psychotrauma Centre, Netherlands
Cécile Rousseau McGill University, Canada
Mónica Ruiz-Casares McGill University, Quebec, Canada
Michel Tousignant Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Allan Young King’s College London, UK
Editorial Advisors
Sofie Baarnhielm Transcultural Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
Morton Beiser Ryerson University, Canada
Yoram Bilu The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Joop de Jong Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Shigeyuki Eguchi Musashino Hospital, Japan
Mohammed Fakhr El-Islam Cairo University, Egypt
Edvard Hauff University of Oslo, Norway
Devon E. Hinton Harvard University, USA
Sushrut Jadhav University College London, UK
Kenji Kitanishi Jikei University, Tokyo, Japan
Arthur Kleinman Harvard University, USA
Sing Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Roberto Lewis-Fernández Columbia University, USA
Keh-Ming Lin National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
Fernando Lolas University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
Steven Lopez University of Southern California, USA
Wielant Machleidt Medical School of Hannover, Germany
Anthony J Marsella University of Hawaii, USA
Juan E Mezzich City University of New York, USA
Harry Minas University of Melbourne, Australia
Seggane Musisi Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda
Vikram Patel Sangath Centre, Goa, India
Alberto Perales Cabrera National Institute of Mental Health, Lima, Peru
Richard Rechtman CESPRA (Centre of sociological and political studies Raymond Aron), France
Derrick Silove University of New South Wales, Australia
Mitchell Weiss Swiss Tropical Institute, Switzerland
Scientific Editors
Suparna Choudhury McGill University, Canada
Elizaveta Solomonova McGill University, Canada
Noemi Tousignant University College London, UK
Samuel Veissière McGill University, Canada
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