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The Journal of Special Education

The Journal of Special Education

eISSN: 15384764 | ISSN: 00224669 | Current volume: 58 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Quarterly
The Journal of Special Education (JSE) publishes reports of research and scholarly reviews on improving education and services for individuals with disabilities. Before submitting your manuscript, please read and adhere to the author submission guidelines. To submit an article to the journal, please click here:

The Journal of Special Education (JSE) is a multidisciplinary publication presenting reports of research and scholarly reviews related to special education. The goal of this journal is to add to current scholarship and provide a sense of emerging directions in the field. Manuscripts initially are screened for (a) appropriateness of content for JSE, (b) adherence to guidelines specified in the APA publication manual, (c) readability of text, and (d) explicit statement of implications for the practice of special education.

Fred Spooner University of North Carolina - Charlotte, USA
William J. Therrien University of Virginia, USA
Managing Editor
Kelly Anderson University of North Carolina - Charlotte, USA
Consulting Editors
Melinda Jones Ault University of Kentucky, USA
Kirsten D. Beach University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Elizabeth Bettini Boston University, USA
Nicole Birri University of Illinois-Urbana, Champaign, USA
Lisa Bowman-Perrot Texas A&M University, USA
Briana Bronstein Widener University, USA
Mary Brownell University of Florida, USA
Judith Carta University of Kansas, USA
Erik Carter Vanderbilt University, USA
Erin A. Chaparro University of Oregon, USA
North Cooc University of Texas at Austin, USA
Bryan G. Cook University of Virginia, USA
Vivian Correa University of North Carolina-Charlotte, USA
Shawn Datchuk University of Iowa, USA
Lizanne DeStefano University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Christian Doabler University of Texas at Austin, USA
Charles Dukes Florida Atlantic University, USA
Dave Edyburn University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
Batya Elbaum University of Miami, USA
Judy Elliott Los Angeles Unified School District
Christine Espin Leiden University, Netherlands
Audrey Falk Merrimack College, USA
Anne Foegen University of Minnesota, USA
Doug Fuchs American Institutes for Research
Lynn Fuchs Vanderbilt University, American Institutes for Research
Russell Gersten Instructional Research Group, USA
Steve Graham Arizona State University, USA
Cynthia C. Griffin University of Florida, USA
Shanna Hagan-Burke Texas A & M University, USA
Daniel Hallahan University of Virginia, USA
Karen R. Harris Arizona State University, USA
Robert Horner University of Oregon, USA
Kelly Kearney Florida Atlantic, USA
Craig Kennedy University of Connecticut, USA
Donald Kincaid University of South Florida, USA
Katheleen King Thorius Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA
Victoria Knight University of British Columbia, Canada
Lefki Kourea University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Jennifer Kurth University of Kansas, USA
Kathleen Lynne Lane University of Kansas, USA
Sheryl S. Lazarus University of Minnesota, USA
Ya-yu Lo University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Allison Lombardi University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Pamela Luft Kent State University, USA
Linda H. Mason George Mason University
Margo Mastropieri George Mason University, USA
Valerie Mazzotti University of Kansas, USA
Kent McIntosh University of Oregon, USA
Margaret J. McLaughlin University of Maryland, USA
Kristen McMaster University of Minnesota, USA
Robin McWilliam The University of Alabama, USA
Michael J. Morrier Emory Autism Center, USA
Shobana Musti Pace University, USA
Rhonda Nese University of Oregon, USA
Angela Patti SUNY Buffalo State, USA
Robert Pennington University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Kristen Ritchey University of Delaware, USA
Michael S. Rosenberg State University of New York at New Paltz
Kelli Sanderson California State University- Long Beach, USA
Ilene Schwartz University of Washington, USA
Brandi Simonsen University of Conneticut, USA
Paul Sindelar University of Florida, USA
Stephen Smith University of Florida, USA
Elizabeth Talbott College of William and Mary, USA
Cathy Newman Thomas Texas State University, USA
Travis Thompson University of Minnesota, USA
Martha L. Thurlow University of Minnesota–Minneapolis
Gerald Tindal University of Oregon, USA
Audrey A. Trainor New York University, USA
Carol Trivette East Tennessee State University, USA
Kimberly Vannest Texas A&M University, USA
Sharon R. Vaughn University of Texas, Austin, USA
Chuang Wang The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Richard West Utah State University, USA
Pamela Williamson University of North Florida, USA
M. Lynn Woolsey Emirates College for Advanced Education, UAE
Yan Ping Xin Purdue University, USA
Amanda Yurick Cleveland State University, USA
Alison Zagona University of Kansas, USA
  • Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
  • Gale: Expanded Academic ASAP
  • IBR (International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
  • MediaFinder
  • NISC
  • PAIS International
  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • PsycINFO
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Wilson Education Index/Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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