The Essential Guide to Using the Web for Research
- Nigel Ford - Sheffield University, UK
In connecting these online skills to the research process, Ford helps students to understand and answer research questions, construct an argument and present their evidence.
The book includes sections on:
• beginner and advanced search techniques
• assessing online information
• organising and storing information
• social networking sites and other online tools
• referencing, copyright and plagiarism.
As well as providing all of the basic techniques students need to use the internet as a research tool, this book will also help them to convert their online findings into a well structured, high quality research project.
This book is targetted to predominantly novice researchers and takes the student through the stages of writing a proposal/assignment/thesis using web-based information systems. For older students who are less technology savvy, this text is a must.
Clear and accessible for students 'new' to using the web for research. An elementary book but with clear accessibe text and valuable links.