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Teaching Digital Natives

Teaching Digital Natives
Partnering for Real Learning

Foreword by Stephen Heppell

March 2010 | 224 pages | Corwin

"This book is a must-read for any educator who wants to successfully work with the digital generation, because it is so practical and filled with ideas to engage 21st-century students."
—Ian Jukes, Author of Teaching the Digital Generation

"A truly great and inspiring book. My students are a testament that partnering does work."
—Randon Ruggles, Teacher
FAIR School, Minneapolis, MN

"Finally someone has written a book for teachers that goes beyond pedagogy and philosophy, giving teachers something they can use on Monday morning!"
—Sandy Fivecoat, CEO

"The good news: teachers don't have to be masters of technology to master the 21st-century classroom. Prensky has developed a map for a new era of teaching and learning that educators will find a breeze to navigate, and well worth the trip!"
—Jonathan Ben-Asher, Principal
Henry and Wrightstown Elementary Schools, Tucson, AZ

A new paradigm for teaching and learning in the 21st century!

Students today are growing up in a digital world. These "digital natives" learn in new and different ways, so educators need new approaches to make learning both real and relevant for today's students.

Marc Prensky, who first coined the terms "digital natives" and "digital immigrants," presents an intuitive yet highly innovative and field-tested partnership model that promotes 21st-century student learning through technology. Partnership pedagogy is a framework in which:

  • Digitally literate students specialize in content finding, analysis, and presentation via multiple media
  • Teachers specialize in guiding student learning, providing questions and context, designing instruction, and assessing quality
  • Administrators support, organize, and facilitate the process schoolwide
  • Technology becomes a tool that students use for learning essential skills and "getting things done"

With numerous strategies, how-to's, partnering tips, and examples, Teaching Digital Natives is a visionary yet practical book for preparing students to live and work in today's globalized and digitalized world.

About the Author
Introduction: Our Changing World: Technology and Global Society
What Today’s Students Want

Partnering and Twenty-first Century Technology

REAL, Not Just Relevant

Motivation Through Passion

Teaching for the Future

The Road to a Pedagogy of Partnering

1. Partnering: a Pedagogy for the New Educational Landscape
Moving Ahead

How Partnering Works

Establishing Roles and Mutual Respect

Getting Motivated to Partner With Your Students

2. Moving to the Partnership Pedagogy
Seeing Your Students Differently

Setting Up Your Classroom to Facilitate Partnering

Choosing Your Partnering “Level”: Basic, Directed, Advanced

Technology and Partnering: Nouns vs. Verbs

Partnering and The Required Curriculum

Taking Your First (or Next) Steps into Partnering

3. Think ”People and Passions” rather than “Classes and Content”
Learn your students’ interests and passions

Living Out the Partnering Roles

More Ideas

4. Always be REAL (not Just Relevant)
A New Perspective

Making Our Subjects REAL

More Ways to Make Things REAL

Always Think “Future”

5. Planning: Content to Questions, Questions to Skills
Using Guiding Questions

Focus on the appropriate verbs

6. Using Technology in Partnering
Technology is the Enabler

Technology and Equity: To Each His or Her Own

Let the Students Use All Technology

Using the Appropriate Nouns (Tools) for the Guiding Questions and Verbs

7. Understanding the “Nouns,” or Tools
8. Let Your Students Create
A real, World Audience

Aim High / Raise the bar

9. Continuous Improvement Through Practice and Sharing
Improving Through Iteration

Improving Through Practice

Improving Through Sharing

More Ways to Help Yourself Improve

10. Assessment in the Partnership Pedagogy
Useful Assessment: Beyond Summative and Formative

Assessing Students’ Progress

Assessing Teachers’ Progress

Assessing Administrators’ Progress

Assessing Parents’ Progress

Assessing Schools’ Progress

Assessing Our Nation’s Progress, and the World’s

Conclusion: The (Not Too Distant) Future of Education
What Should A New Curriculum Be?: Essential Twenty-first Century Skills

Using the Partnership Pedagogy With New Curricula

Creating Schools With Partnering In Mind

Toward a Twenty-first Century Education for All


Excellent thesis and theory, but a lack of practical digital technology exercises.

Mr Jack Phelan
Kinesiology, California Polytechnic State University
August 2, 2011
Key features

Features and Benefits:

  • Presents an enduring, researched-based partnership model for learning to ensure ongoing relevancy in the midst of ever-evolving technology tools
  • shows how to implement the partnering pedagogy, including, setting up your classroom differently, leaving the stage, choosing the best type of partnering for you and your students, connecting partnering to the current curriculum, and assessing learning.
  • Shows how to engage students in learning by activating their passions as motivation for learning, by designing lessons based on questions,
  • Shows how to translate academic content into guiding questions that emphasize 21st Century skills such as creating, analyzing, comparing, researching, etc.
  • offers ways to deal with whatever level of technology is, or isn't, available in your school and classroom, discusses when and how teachers should—and shouldn't—be using technology themselves, and emphasizes how maximizing the use of technology by the students will benefit the students most.
  • Provides an annotated listing of over 130 of the technologies available for students to use today as tools for learning.
  • Filled with numerous Partnering Tips, examples, websites, and strategies to help educators make the transition to partnering with their students for learning.
  • Chapter 10 examines the issue of assessment in partnering, including not only summative and formative assessment but also peer assessment, ipsative assessment, self-assessment, and real-world assessment.

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412975414