Studying and Researching with Social Media
- Megan Poore - Australian National University, Australia
Student Success
Study Skills
If you want – or need – to integrate social media tools into your studies and research, this practical book is your one-stop shop. Megan Poore shares the secrets of how to harness the power of social media tools to improve your academic productivity.
Inside, you’ll find out how to:
- Write a good blog post
- Contribute to a wiki
- Maximise your grades when creating an audio-visual presentation
- Find and share the latest research via Twitter
- Keep safe online
Featuring handy illustrations and exercises, as well as guidance on broader issues such as copyright, avoiding plagiarism, and cyberbullying, you’ll find out all you need to successfully use social media to support your study and research.
The Studying and Researching with Social Media blog, which accompanies the book, is packed with tips and guidance on using social media to improve your study and research skills.
Student Success is a series of essential guides for students of all levels. From how to think critically and write great essays to boosting your employability and managing your wellbeing, the Student Success series helps you study smarter and get the best from your time at university.
Visit the Studying and Researching with Social Media blog which accompanies the book, sharing tips and guidance on using social media to improve your study and research skills.
Visit our hub for free academic skills, wellbeing and employability resources from our new and bestselling guides, designed to support you from day one all the way through to graduation and beyond.
This book provides an interesting introduction to the use of social media for studying and researching. Additional focus on social media related methodologies would, however, have improved its relivance for student researchers.
It just didn't suit my own purposes. I expected it to be a much more sophisticated analysis of research methodologies that utilise social media.
There are, however, a few valuable chapters (for students especially) about the relative strengths and weaknesses of internet research at large.
I would recommend this text to anyone wishing to complete research using Social Media.
A well written guide for students who are interested in engaging with social media for research purposes.
My students really enjoyed this book. They had not realised the amount of quality material (amongst the dross) that there is on the internet.
This textbook is good for use by dissertation students
Interesting and inspirational text, great for understanding and developing new teaching strategies and supporting students needs.
This book is a good supplementary text in order to help students understand the relevance of social media.
I really enjoyed this book! It starts from the basic what-is and how-to aspects of various social media formats and works up to how these can be used effectively for studying, researching and teaching. I read it first with my "lecturer's hat" on and got great hints, tips and ideas about how to integrate social media into teaching research methods. With my "researcher's hat" on, the book offered good advice about researching in the digital age. It is a very timely and welcome publication.
I was a bit suprised at the lack of mention of Pinterest (although inevitably difficult to keep up with new and emerging social media)
I also found that the book is trying to talk to two different audiences (students and researchers) and might have been more usefully split into two smaller (and more affordable!) books. Obviously there is some overlap, but not enough I feel.
Otherwise I thought the book was well written and pitched at a good level (not too patronising, full of good advice).