Performance Tasks, Checklists, and Rubrics
Integrate curricular, instructional and assessment goals to authentically assess student learning!
The focus on standards-based learning in today's schools means educators need to plan assessments that accurately measure what students are learning. Cindy Stergar's Performance Tasks, Checklists, and Rubrics gives teachers the essential tools they need to develop a complete assessment system for their classrooms.
This book examines the nature of performance tasks, checklists, and rubrics and how to use them in the classroom to assess student learning. It is packed with tools and templates to help teachers implement an effective assessment system for their students, and each assessment tool is explained in-depth and samples are provided.
This invaluable resource provides teacher-created performance tasks, checklists, and rubrics for a variety of K-12 subjects including science, physical education, and foreign language, with templates for customizing these tools for a teacher's own classroom.