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Erhard K. Valentin

E. K. Valentin is an Eccles Research Fellow and Professor of Marketing and Management in the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Utah in 1979 and has taught M.B.A. courses in marketing and market strategy, as well as undergraduate courses in marketing, strategic management, business research, and statistics. His research has been cited in The Wall Street Journal, and more than 50 of his articles and cases have appeared in various scholarly publications. In addition to teaching, he has been active in consulting.
Dr. Valentin’s academic career was preceded by military service and work in the private sector. Shortly after leaving the Army, he became an electronic communications site supervisor in Thailand during the Vietnam War Era. In 1971, after earning B.S. and M.B.A. degrees from the University of Utah, he joined the Boise Cascade Corporation, then a Fortune 100 company, as an assistant to various division and corporate executives. In 1977, he joined the Morrison-Knudsen Company as a senior corporate planning analyst, but returned to Boise Cascade in 1978
until he decided to pursue a teaching career in 1982.

Dr. Valentin can be reached at or at