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Therapeutic Advances in Urology

Therapeutic Advances in Urology

eISSN: 17562880 | ISSN: 17562872 | Current volume: 15 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Yearly

Journal Highlights

  • Launched in 2009
  • Gold open access journal – all articles are made freely available online immediately upon publication
  • Rigorous peer review
  • Listed in PubMed and indexed in Web of Science, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Scopus
  • Over 200,000 full-text article views annually

Therapeutic Advances in Urology (TAU) is a peer-reviewed open access journal delivering the highest quality peer-reviewed articles, reviews, and scholarly comment on pioneering efforts and innovative studies across all areas of urology. Please see the Aims and Scope for further information.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

This journal flipped to open access on January 1, 2019.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

Therapeutic Advances in Urology (TAU) promotes inclusive, open science that reflects the disciplinary, human, and geographic diversity of the urology community.

Diversity as a core value embodies inclusiveness, mutual respect, and multiple perspectives.

We welcome editors, editorial board members, peer reviewers and authors from all backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, races, religions, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities, mental or physical (dis)abilities, ages, career stages, socioeconomic status or any other individual status.

We are committed to continually improving our editorial and review processes whilst playing our part in eradicating bias and inequality in all forms.

Submission information

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Open access information

Publication in the journal is subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The APC serves to support the journal and ensures that articles are freely accessible online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons licence.

The APC for this journal is currently $2,800 USD.

The APC is payable when a manuscript is accepted after peer review, before it is published. The APC is also subject to taxes where applicable. Please see further details here.

Meet the Editorial Team

Click here to meet the Editorial Team of Therapeutic Advances in Urology (TAU).


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Therapeutic Advances in Urology delivers the highest quality peer-reviewed, open access, original research articles, reviews, and scholarly comment on pioneering efforts across all areas of urology. The journal is aimed at an international audience of clinicians, researchers and allied health practitioners in urology and related disciplines, providing an online forum for rapid dissemination of recent research and perspectives in this area.

Therapeutic Advances in Urology covers themes including but not limited to:

  • Urologic oncology
  • Endourology
  • Andrology, Fertility and Sexual Health
  • Urogynaecology
  • Bladder disorders
  • Surgery
  • Uro-technology
  • Radiology
  • Urological education and training (including technological advances such as surgical simulation)

Review articles include expert opinion/perspective reviews (including single-drug and drug class reviews), narrative reviews and therapeutic area reviews. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, postmarketing and health economic and pharmacoeconomic reviews are also welcomed. The appropriate EQUATOR Network reporting guidelines should be followed (e.g. CONSORT for randomized, controlled trials and PRISMA for systematic reviews/meta-analyses). The journal endorses the ICMJE requirement that clinical trials are registered in a WHO-approved public trials registry at or before the time of the first patient enrolment.

Sanjeev Madaan, MD, PhD Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford, UK
Managing Editor
Hemali Bedi, MSc SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK
Atharva Gajanan Gajalkar SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK
Associate Editors
Fabio Crocerossa, MD, PhD Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy
David Castro Díaz, MD Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain
Lawrence Jenkins, MD, MBA Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA
Daniel Lee, MD Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Naside Mangir, MD, PhD Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Bhaskar K. Somani, MD University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, Southampton, UK
Social Media Editor
Angus Luk, MBBS Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Daniele Castellani, MD AOU Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona, Ancona, Italy
Jean de la Rosette, MD Istanbul Medipol University, Istanbul, Turkey
Vineet Gauhar, MD Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH)/NUHS, Singapore, Singapore
Khurshid Ghani, MBChB, MS University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
A Reza Haghpanah MD ,FEBU Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz ,Iran
Patrick Juliebø-Jones, MD Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Theodoros Tokas MD, PhD University of Crete, General Hospital of Heraklion, Greece
Carlos Gustavo Trujillo, MD Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia
Lazaros Tzelves, MD National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Sismanogleio Hospital, Athens, Greece
Justin Bradley Ziemba, MD, MSEd University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Urinary Tract Infections
Glenn Werneburg MD, PhD Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Andrology, Fertility and Sexual Health
Hussain M Alnajjar, MD University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, London, UK
Marco Falcone, MD, PhD University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Vaibhav Modgil, MD, MSc Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
Darshan P Patel, MD University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
Amy Pearlman, MD Prime Institute, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
Nahid Punjani, MD, MPH Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Urologic Oncology
Melissa Bersanelli, MD, PhD University of Parma, Parma, Italy
Francesco Cantiello, MD, PhD Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy
Julian Chavarriaga, MD University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Canada
Prantik Das, MBBS University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, Derby, UK
Ithaar Derweesh, MD UCSD, San Diego, California, USA
Herney Andres Garcia-Perdomo, MD, MSc, PhD School of Medicine, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Saum Ghodoussipour, MD Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Ana María Autrán Gomez, MD, PhD Lyx Urology, Madrid, Spain
Vital Hevia, MD, PhD Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
Kazumasa Komura, MD, PhD Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Osaka, Japan
Haoran Li, MD, PhD University of Kansas Cancer Center, Westwood, KS, USA
Fernando Sabino Marques Monteiro, MD Hospital Universitário de Brasilia, Brazil
Anirban Mitra, MBBS MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Venkata Ramana Murthy Kusuma, MBBS Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Guildford, UK
Günter Niegisch, MD Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Savio Domenico Pandolfo, MD, PhD University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy
Giuseppe Procopio, MD Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy
Sara Elena Rebuzzi, MD Ospedale San Paolo, Savona, Italy
Werner T W de Riese, MD, PhD Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine, Lubbock, TX, USA
Juan Gómez Rivas, MD, PhD Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Mimma Rizzo, MD Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Consorziale Policlinico di Bari, Bari, Italy
Giandomenico Roviello, MD, PhD University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Kamal Kant Sahu, MD, MBBS Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah, UT, USA
Grannum R Sant, MB BCh BAO (Hons), MD Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Anand Sharma, MD, MBBS Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, London, UK
Enrico Ammirati, MD, PhD Unità Spinale Unipolare, Turin, Italy
Elisabetta Costantini, MD, PhD University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Sherif Mourad, MD, PhD Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Giancarlo Albo MD, PhD University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Riccardo Autorino, MD, PhD VCU Health, Richmond, VA, USA
Arjun K. Nambiar, MD, PhD Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Dmitriy Nikolavsky, MD SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA
Bladder Disorders
Bertil Blok, MD, PhD Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Jan Groen, MD, PhD Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
General Urology
Jeff John, MBChB Walter Sisulu University and Frere Hospital, East London, South Africa
Thomas F Monaghan, MD, PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Esther García Rojo, MBBS Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro, Madrid, Spain
Alan Wein, MD University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Urological Technology
Nithesh Naik, BE, Mtech Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India
Paediatric Urology
Aniruddh Deshpande, MBBS, MCh, AFRACMA, PhD, FRACS Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia
Editorial Review Board
Ramy Abou Ghayda University Hospitals, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
Arnab Basu ,MD, MPH, FACP O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, Birmingham, AL, US
Raevti Bole, MD Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Emre Bulbul, MD Trabzon Vakfikebir State Hospital, Turkey
Andrea Crafa, MD University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Minh-Tung Do ,MD,PhD Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hai Phong City, Viet Nam
Adel Elatriesy ,MD, MSc, PhD (Urol), FRCS Al-Azhar university, Cairo, Egypt
Golena Fernandez Moncaleano, MD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Nazario Foschi Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli- IRCCS, Roma, Italy
Cahyani Gita Ambarsari, MD Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia & Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
Paul Gravestock, BM BS, MPhys, PGCert Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Kevin Kayvan Zarrabi, MD, MS, FACP Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Diomidis Kozyrakis, MD, FEBU "Konstantopouleio-Patision" General Hospital of Nea Ionia, Attiki, Greece
Kumar Madhavan, MBBS, MS, MCh, MRCS, FRCS (Urol) All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, India
Stefano Moretto ,MD Humanitas Clinical and Research Institute IRCCS, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
Prashant Motiram Mulawkar, MS Surgery, DNB Surgery, MCh Urology, DNB Urology, ChM Urology Tirthankar Superspeciality Hospital, Akola, Maharashtra, India
Carlotta Nedbal, MD Polytechnic University of Le Marche (UNIVPM), Ancona (AN), Italy & ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco, Milano (MI), Italy
Christopher Netsch, MD, FEBU Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Hamburg, Germany
Luca Orecchia, MD AOU Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Shiv Kumar Pandian, MS, MD, FRCS North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, London
Cagri Akin Sekerci, MD Marmara University, Turkey
Raveen Syan, MD Desai Sethi Urology Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Octavian Sabin Tataru, MD, PhD George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology, Romania
Mustafa Zafer Temiz, MD, PhD, FEBU Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul/Turkey
Tuan Thanh Nguyen, MD, MS University of Medicine and Pharmacy Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Neeraja Tillu ,MBBS, MS, MCh Urology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, US
Emre Tokuc, MD, FEBU University of Health Sciences, Haydarpasa Numune SUAM, Istanbul, Turkiye
Mudassir Wani, MRCS; M.Ch Urology University Hospital Of Wales, Cardiff, UK
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