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Multiparty Negotiation

Multiparty Negotiation

First Edition
Four Volume Set
Edited by:

October 2008 | 1 672 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Multiparty negotiation is a rapidly developing but complex field whose literature is scattered across a broad range of disciplines and sources. This four-volume collection consolidates this knowledge by bringing together classic works and cutting-edge papers from law, international politics, organization studies and public administration.

" Multiparty Negotiation: An Introduction to Theory and Practice

" Public Dispute Resolution

" Organisational and Group Negotiations

" Complex Legal Transactions

" International Negotiations

Overview to the Field: Two-party and multiparty negotiations

Lawrence E. Susskind and Larry Crump
Part 1: Overview
Towards a Paradigm of Multiparty Negotiation

What is Consensus?

Larry Crump and A. Ian Glendon
Lawrence E. Susskind and Jeffrey L. Cruikshank and Lawrence E. Susskind
Part 2: Coalition Behaviour
Non-Cooperative Games

A Method for Evaluating the Distribution of Power in a Committee System

John Nash
A Theory of Coalitions in the Triad

L. S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
General Introduction to the Theory of Games

Theodore Caplow
Models of Coalition Behaviour: Game theoretic, social psychological, and political perspectives

Duncan R. Luce and Howard Raiffa
Between Theoretical Elegance and Political Reality

Keith J. Murnighan
Introduction: Exploring alliance formation

Michael Laver
Sequencing to Build Coalitions: With whom should I talk first?

Stephen M. Walt
James K. Sebenius
Part 3: Process Management
Industrial Conflict and its Mediation

The Mediation of Industrial Conflict: A note on the literature

Clark Kerr
Mediated Negotiation in the Public Sector

Charles M. Rehmus
Beyond Neutrality: The possibilities of activist mediation in public sector conflict

Lawrence Susskind and Connie Ozawa
Theory and Practice of Dispute Resolution

John Forester and David Stilzel
Strategic Issues in Structuring Multiparty Public Policy Negotiations

Lawrence Susskind and Jeffrey Cruikshank
The Group and What Happens on the Way to Yes

Gerald W. Cormick
Major Themes and Prescriptive Implications

Deborah G. Ancona, Raymond A. Friedman, and Deborah M. Kolb
Confessions of a Public Dispute Mediator

Lawrence E. Susskind and Robert H. Mnookin
Lawrence E. Susskind
Part 4: Obstacles to Reaching Agreement
Mediating Public Disputes: A response to the skeptics

Overcoming Obstacles to Successful Collaboration

Lawrence E. Susskind
A Comparison of Consensus and Voting in Public Decision Making

Barbara Gray
When Negotiations Fail: Causes of breakdown and tactics for breaking stalemates

Bernie Jones
Implementing Consensus-Based Agreements

Bryan M. Downie
What we have Learned about Teaching Multiparty Negotiation

William R. Potapchuk and Jarle Crocker
Lawrence E. Susskind, Robert H. Mnookin, Lukasz Rozdeiczer, and Boyd Fuller
Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Deliberative Democracy and Public Dispute Resolution
Can Public Policy Dispute Resolution Meet the Challenges Set by Deliberative Democracy?

The State of Democratic Theory

Lawrence Susskind
Norms of Deliberation: An inductive study

Ian Shapiro
Thinking about Empowered Participatory Governance

Jane Mansbridge Janette Hartz-Karp, Matthew Amengual, and John Gastil
Dialogue as a Path to Public Judgment

Archon Fung and Erik Olin Wright
Collaborative Policymaking: Governance through dialogue

Daniel Yankelovich
Judith E. Innes and David E. Booher
Part 3: Theory and Practice of Public Dispute Resolution
The Evolution of Public Policy Dispute Resolution

Choosing Appropriate Consensus Building Techniques and Strategies

Lawrence Susskind and Sarah McKearnan
The Mediation Process

Susan Carpenter
Mediating Science-Intensive Policy Disputes

Christopher W. Moore
When Values Collide?

Lawrence Susskind and Connie Ozawa
Dealing with Deep Value Differences

Lawrence Susskind and Patrick Field
John Forester
Social Capital Formation, Public-Building and Public Mediation: The Chelsea Charter consensus process

Santa Fe Summit

Susan L. Podziba
Could the Florida Election Dispute Have Been Mediated? Yes: Mediation would have produced a more legitimate outcome

David Lampe and Marshall Kaplan
Lawrence Susskind
Part 4: Institutionalizing Public Dispute Resolution
Negotiated Rulemaking
Negotiating Regulations: A cure for Malaise

Assessing Consensus: The promise and performance of negotiated rulemaking

Philip Harter
When ADR Becomes the Law: A review of federal practice

Cary Coglianese
Lawrence Susskind, Eileen Babbitt, and Phyllis Segal
Resolution of Local Land Use and Facility Sitting Disputes
Mediating Land Use Disputes: Pros and Cons

A Negotiation Credo for Controversial Siting Disputes

Lawrence Susskind, Mieke van der Wansem, Armando Ciccarelli
Siting Noxious Facilities: A test of the facility siting credo

Lawrence Susskind

Howard Kunreuther, Kevin Fitzgerald & Thomas D. Aarts
John Nolan and Patricia Salkin
Part 5: Conclusions
Arguing, Bargaining and Getting Agreement

Lawrence Susskind
Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Settling Complex Legal Disputes
Organizations and Multiple Parties

Toward a Functional Approach for Managing Complex Litigation

Robert Mnookin, Scott Peppet, and Andrew Tulumello
When Litigation is Not the Only Way: Consensus building and mediation as public iInterest lawyering

Francis McGovern
The Case for Settlement Counsel

Carrie Menkel-Meadow
William F. Coyne Jr.
Part 3: Mass Torts and Class Action
A Glass Half Full, a Glass Half Empty: The use of alternative dispute resolution in mass personal injury litigation

Response to Deborah Hensler: A glass half full, a glass half empty: The use of alternative dispute resolution in mass personal injury litigation

Deborah Hensler
Sweetheart and Blackmail Settlements in Class Actions: Reality and remedy

Kenneth Feinberg Texas
Reporting From the Front Line - One Mediator's Experience with Mass Torts

Bruce Hay and David Rosenberg
Kenneth Feinberg
Part 4: Special Masters
Special Masters in Complex Cases: Extending the judiciary or reshaping adjudication

Court-Appointed Masters as Mediators

Wayne Brazil
Of End Games and Openings in Mass Tort Cases: Lessons from a special master

Lawrence Susskind
David Rosenberg
Part 5: Cases
Court-Appointed Special Masters in Complex Environmental Litigation: City of quincy v. metropolitan district commission

Voluntary Interdistrict School Desegregation in St. Louis: The special master's tale

Timothy Little
Asbestos: The private management of a public problem

D. Bruce la Pierre
Meet the Chairman

Harry Wellington
Carrik Mollenkamp, Adam Levy, Joseph Menn, and Jeffrey Rothfeder
Part 1: Introduction
Introduction: Organizational and international negotiation: Analysis of the literature

Part 2: Negotiation within Organizations
Introduction and Theoretical Framework

Macro Determinants of the Future of the Study of Negotiations in Organizations

Richard E. Walton and Robert B. McKersie
The Concept of 'Coalition' in Organization Theory and Research

Thomas A. Kochan and Max H. Bazerman
57 Varieties: Has the ombudsman concept become diluted?

William B. Stevenson, Jone L. Pearce, and Lyman W. Porter
The Manager is Always in the Middle

Carolyn Stieber
The More the Merrier? Social Psychological Aspects of Multiparty Negotiations in Organizations

David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius
Multiparty Negotiation in its Social Context

Roderick M. Krame
Managing Conflict Effectively: Alternative dispute resolution and dispute system design

Jeffrey T. Polzer, Elizabeth A. Mannix, and Margaret A. Neale
Cathy A. Costantino and Christina Sickles Merchant
Part 3: Negotiation between Organizations
Developing a Theory of Collaboration

Negotiating Inside Out: What are the best ways to relate internal ngotiations with external ones?

Barbara Gray
Negotiation Between Organizations: A branching chain model

Roger Fisher
When Should We Use Agents?: Direct vs. representative negotiation

Dean G. Pruitt
International Joint Ventures: Economic and organizational perspectives

Jeffrey Z. Rubin and Frank E. A. Sander
The Institutionalization and Evolutionary Dynamics of Inter-organizational Alliances and Networks

Kallyan Chatterjee and Barbara Gray
Multiparty Negotiation and the Management of Complexity

Richard N. Osborn and John Hagedoorn
Larry Crump
Part 4: Diplomacy and Multilateral Conferences
What is Negotiation

As it Looks to the Hard-Working Bureaucrat

Fred Charles Iklé
Introduction: Conflict and Communication

Roger Fisher
Intermediaries: Additional thoughts on third parties

John W. Burton
International Mediation: Conflict resolution and power politics

Oran R. Young
Introduction: Analyzing successful transfer effects in interactive conflict resolution

I. William Zartman and Saadia Touval
Parallel Informal Negotiation: A new kind of international dialogue

Ronald J. Fisher
Multistakeholder Dialogue at the Global Scale

Lawrence E. Susskind, Abram Chayes, and Janet Martinez
Negotiation Linkage Dynamics: Consecutive and concurrent linkages

Lawrence E. Susskind, Boyd W. Fuller, Michele Ferenz, and David Fairman
The Art of Preparing a Multilateral Conference

Larry Crump
Multiparty Conferences

Klaus L. Aurisch
Groups in Conference Diplomacy

Knut Midgaard and Arild Underdal
Two's Company and More's a Crowd: The complexities of multilateral negotiation

Johan Kaufmann
Understanding Multilateral Negotiations: Lessons and conclusions

I. William Zartman, William Zartman
Negotiation in an Insecure World

Fen Osler Hampson
Bertram I. Spector
Prt 5: Cases
A Budge Negotiation

Unity and Disunity in a Multiparty Major League Baseball Negotiation

David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius
Taking the Heat in Kyoto: The 1997 Climate Change Conference

Larry Crump

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ISBN: 9781412948128