Managerial Psychology
Three Volume Set
Edited by:
- Yochanan Altman - London Metropolitan University, UK
- Frank Bournois - University of Paris, France
- David M Boje - New Mexico State University, USA
May 2008 | 1 280 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Compiled by three leading authorities on Managerial Psychology, this collection of seminal works in the field delineates the boundaries of a vibrant and multidisciplinary subject area.
With benchmark articles and cutting-edge articles, this major work is the first to draw together the work of leading academic writers on Managerial Psychology. Its audience will bridge two major academic communities, namely management scholars and psychology scholars. Topics covered include:
Volume 1: The psychology of management and managing - leadership, personality, communication, teams (groups), careers, influencing and decision making, sense making, organizational behavior
Volume 2: Managing the new workplace: psychological correlates - personality, well-being (stress, work life balance), comparative (cross cultural), gender and diversity, identity, personnel development
Volume 3: Managerial Psychology: theory and applications - epistemologies and methodologies, psychoanalysis, cognitive processes, psycholinguistics
With benchmark articles and cutting-edge articles, this major work is the first to draw together the work of leading academic writers on Managerial Psychology. Its audience will bridge two major academic communities, namely management scholars and psychology scholars. Topics covered include:
Volume 1: The psychology of management and managing - leadership, personality, communication, teams (groups), careers, influencing and decision making, sense making, organizational behavior
Volume 2: Managing the new workplace: psychological correlates - personality, well-being (stress, work life balance), comparative (cross cultural), gender and diversity, identity, personnel development
Volume 3: Managerial Psychology: theory and applications - epistemologies and methodologies, psychoanalysis, cognitive processes, psycholinguistics
Volume I: Individual Perspectives
Motivation & Personality
Emotional intelligence as a moderator of emotional and behavioral reactions to job insecurity
Peter J. Jordan, Neal M. Ashkanazy & Charmine E.J. Hartel
Goal setting and task performance
Edwin A. Locke, Karyll N. Shaw, Lise M. Saari, Gary P. Latham
The people make the place
Benjamin Schneider
Personality and culture revisited: Linking traits and dimensions of culture
Geert Hofstede & Robert R. McCrae
On the folly of Rewarding A while Hoping for B
Steven Kerr
Reinventing leadership: A radical, social psychological approach
James R. Meindl
Values, emotions, and authenticity: Will the real leader please stand up?
Susan Michie & Janaki Gooty
Visionary Leadership and Strategic Management
Frances Westley & Henry Mintzberg
Self-leadership: Toward an expanded theory of self-influence processes in organizations
Charles C. Manz
The motivational effects of charismatic leadership: A self-concept based theory
Boas Shamir, Robert J. House, & Michael B. Arthur
Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?
Abraham Zaleznik
Psychological contract and careers
Back to Square Zero: The Post-Corporate Career
Maury Peiperl & Yehuda Baruch
Psychological contracts in employment
René Schalk & Denise M. Rousseau
Crafting a Job: Employees as Active Crafters of Their Work
Amy Wrzesniewski & Jane E. Dutton
Toward strategic management for fast track executives
Frank Bournois
Volume II: Group and Meso Level Perspectives
Interactions in groups and teams
Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group development
Connie J.G. Gersick
A Case-Study in the Functioning of Social Systems as a Defence against Anxiety: A Report on a Study of the Nursing Service of a General Hospital
Isabel E.P. Menzies
Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison
Craig Haney, Curtis Banks, & Philip Zimbardo
Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams
Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa & Dorothy E. Leidner
I.L. Janis
Power, control & change (9)
Social cognitive theory of self-regulation
Albert Bandura
Where’s the Power in Empowerment? Answers from Follett and Clegg
David M. Boje & Grace Ann Rosile
Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgments
S.E. Asch
'Banana Time’: Job satisfaction and informal interaction
Donald F. Roy
Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority
Stanly Milgram
Tightening the iron cage: Concertive control in self-managing teams
James R. Barker
An intergroup perspective on individual behavior
Kenwyn K. Smith
The new forms of control
H. Marcuse
Competition, cooperation and learning in work settings
Trust and mistrust in organizations: An exploration using an organizational justice framework
Mark N.K. Saunders & Adrian Thornhill
The three cultures of management: Implications for organizational learning
Edgar H. Schein
Principles of Socio-Technical Design
Albert Cherns
Learning, Leadership, Teams: Corporate Learning and Organisational Change
Yochanan Altman & Paul Iles
Double loop learning in organizations
Chris Argyris
Volume III: Organizational and Macro Level Perspectives
Gender and diversity
Gender, Race, and Class in Organizational Contexts
Meg A. Bond
Rules, Sensemaking, Formative Contexts and Discourse in the Gendering of Organizational Culture
Jean Helms Mills & Albert J. Mills
The glass cliff: exploring the dynamics surrounding the appointment of women to precarious leadership positions
Michelle K. Ryan & S. Alexander Haslam
Searching for Common Threads: Understanding the Multiple Effects of Diversity in Organizational Groups
Frances J. Milliken & Luis L. Martins
Well-being & positive psychology vs. stress & distress (6)
Spiritual well-being, spiritual intelligence, healthy workplace policy
Raymond F. Paloutzian, Robert A. Emmons & Susan G. Keortge
Job burnout
Christina Maslach, Wilmar B. Schaufeli & Michael P. Leiter
Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research
Philip M. Podsakoff, Scott B. MacKenzie, Julie Beth Paine, & Daniel G. Bachrach
Forgiveness from the Perspectives of Three Response Modes: Begrudgement, Pragmatism and Transcendence
David S. Bright, Ronald E. Fry, & David L. Cooperrider
Cross-cultural differences in occupational stress among British and German managers
B.D. Kirkcaldy & C.L. Cooper
Aesthetic Understanding of Organizational Life
Antonio Strati
Psychological related dynamics: Storytelling, metaphors, symbols, sense making (5)
The collapse of sensemaking in organizations: The Mann Gulch disaster
Karl E. Weick
Organizations, management and psychoanalysis: An overview
Yiannis Gabriel & Adrian N. Carr
Stories of the Storytelling Organization: A Postmodern Analysis of Disney as Tamara-Land
David M. Boje
The Missing Link: A Transformational View Of Metaphors In Organizational Science
Haridimos Tsoukas
Ideas are born in fields of play: towards a theory of play and creativity in organizational settings
Charalampos Mainemelis & Sarah Ronson
Organzations as Phrog Farms
Jerry B. Harvey