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How to Handle the Hard-to-Handle Student, K-5

How to Handle the Hard-to-Handle Student, K-5

July 2008 | 136 pages | Corwin

"Maryln Appelbaum is one of the most influential and helpful educators I know. This is a wonderful and insightful book for all educators who work with and care about children."
—Richard L. Curwin, Author
Discipline With Dignity and Making Good Choices

"This book provides interactive strategies that meet individual needs. The emphasis on believing in each student and making sure that the student knows this belief is extremely important."
—Jean Kueker, Professor Emeritus of Education, Our Lady of the Lake University
President, Learning Disabilities Association of Texas

Over 100 practical and effective interventions for helping hard-to-handle students succeed in the classroom and grow toward independence!

Today's classrooms are filled with diverse learners, ranging from students who blurt out, tattle, or talk back to students with challenges such as anger, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), Asperger's syndrome, and Tourette syndrome.

This resource is packed with more than 100 easy-to-implement strategies for a variety of behavioral challenges, making it easy to look up information for a specific situation, and also includes information on bullying. The author provides descriptions of disorders and strategies to help K–5 teachers recognize symptoms, understand children's strengths and challenges, and promote students' ability to:

  • Develop problem-solving skills
  • Handle their emotions
  • Regulate their own behavior
  • Learn in ways that meet their needs and those of the class

This invaluable resource is ideal for teachers in inclusive classrooms and serves as a quick reference for helping students practice appropriate behavior.

List of Figures
Foreword by Marty Appelbaum
About the Author
1. How to Handle Students With ADHD
ADHD Inattentive Type

ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

Both ADHD Inattentive and ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive Types

2. How to Handle Students With Learning Disabilities
Strategies for Succeeding With Students With LD

A Concluding Story

3. How to Handle Anger and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
The Stages of Anger and Strategies for Each Stage

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

4. How to Handle Bullying
Strategies for Understanding and Handling Bullying

5. How to Handle Students With Bipolar Disorder
Strategies for Succeeding With Students With Bipolar Disorder

6. How to Handle Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Strategies for Succeeding With Students With ASD

7. How to Handle Students With Asperger Syndrome
Strategies for Succeeding With Students With AS

8. How to Handle Students With Tourette's Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Characteristics of Tourette's Syndrome (TS)

Characteristics of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Psychological Consequences of TS and OCD

Strategies for Succeeding With Students With TS and OCD

9. How to Handle Students Who Are Disruptive
Skill One: How to Handle Tattling

Skill Two: How to Handle Complaining

Skill Three: How to Handle Constant Chatter

Skill Four: How to Handle Blurting Out

Skill Five: How to Handle Talking Back

Skill Six: How to Handle Power Struggles

Skill Seven: How to Handle Student Conflicts


“This book provides interactive strategies that meet individual needs. The emphasis on believing in each student and making sure that the student knows this belief is extremely important. The strategies are practical, down to earth, and useable. With more students with disabilities being served in general education classrooms, as well as more opportunities for co-teaching, this book provides many strategies for meeting academic as well as behavioral needs.”

Jean Kueker, Professor Emeritus of Education, Our Lady of the Lake University
President, Learning Disabilities Association of Texas

“The most comprehensive resource I have found for providing teachers with a succinct description of what to expect from hard-to-handle students. This is a reference that should be at every teacher’s fingertips.”

Leslie Standerfer, Principal
Estrella Foothills High School, Goodyear, AZ

"Essential for teachers and parents of all curricular and age levels. The topics covered are those that are often overlooked and/or misunderstood."

Angela Clinton, Teacher
George T. Daniel Elementary School, Kent, WA

“Maryln Appelbaum is one of the most influential and helpful educators I know. This is a wonderful and insightful book for all educators who work with and care about children.”

Richard L. Curwin, Author
Discipline With Dignity and Making Good Choices

This book is very usefull for our students, but we only have recommended literature in our course. Students should pick out titles according to their own needs and interest. We recomment a list of books to them. This book is one of the books they can choose.

Dr Jan Marten Praamsma
Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sci, Utrecht University
February 15, 2012

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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ISBN: 9781452295930

ISBN: 9781412964395

ISBN: 9781412964388