Handbook of Strategic Alliances
- Oded Shenkar - Ohio State University, USA
- Jeffrey J. Reuer - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, Purdue University, USA
Key Features
- Covers the theoretical foundations that guide work on inter-firm collaboration, ranging from sociological perspectives to real options theory to diverse traditions within organizational economics
- Opens the "black boxes" of alliance management across the life-cycle phases
- Examines cross-border alliances followed by an examination of new alliance forms in the new economy, entrepreneurial networks, and collaborations between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations
- Reviews existing methodologies with an emphasis on describing unconventional research and its promise for further advancement in the field
Talk to the author! http://fisher.osu.edu/departments/management-and-hr/faculty/oded-shenkar
"This collection covers state-of-the-art research on strategic alliances and serves to pave the road for future alliances research. Little is understood about the specific managerial challenges involved in establishing and operating alliances, from their inital set up, and throughout their life cycle. This handbook is intended to fill the gap by looking inside some of the 'black boxes' that have been acknowledged in the alliance literature, but seldom opened."