Facilitator's Guide to Cultural Proficiency, Second Edition
- Randall B. Lindsey - California State University Los Angeles, USA
- Kikanza Nuri Robins - The Robins Group
- Raymond D. Terrell - Miami University, (OH)
February 2005 | 48 pages | Corwin
Meet the needs of ALL students using the proven approach of cultural proficiency!
Achieving cultural proficiency in schools may seem like a daunting task, but research has proven that by developing positive, productive responses to the diverse populations in a school community, the benefits are wide-reaching and impressive: enhanced ability of students to learn and teachers to teach, students prepared to find their own places in the global community, positive school-community relations, and students prepared for outstanding citizenship.
Designed to provide staff developers and educational leaders with all the necessary materials to plan a workshop or study group around the best-selling book, Cultural Proficiency, Second Edition, by Randall B. Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri Robins, and Raymond D. Terrell, this Facilitator's Guide features key components from the book that masterfully instructs educators how to:
See the companion book, Cultural Proficiency, Second Edition
Achieving cultural proficiency in schools may seem like a daunting task, but research has proven that by developing positive, productive responses to the diverse populations in a school community, the benefits are wide-reaching and impressive: enhanced ability of students to learn and teachers to teach, students prepared to find their own places in the global community, positive school-community relations, and students prepared for outstanding citizenship.
Designed to provide staff developers and educational leaders with all the necessary materials to plan a workshop or study group around the best-selling book, Cultural Proficiency, Second Edition, by Randall B. Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri Robins, and Raymond D. Terrell, this Facilitator's Guide features key components from the book that masterfully instructs educators how to:
- Avoid unintentional cultural or ethnic slights
- Understand how historical distrust affects present-day interactions
- Accept that each culture finds some values and behaviors more important than others
- Use the diversity of your school community as an educational resource
See the companion book, Cultural Proficiency, Second Edition
About the Authors
How to Use the Guide
Chapter-by-Chapter Study Guide: Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders, Second Edition, by Randall B. Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri Robins, and Raymond D. Terrell
Part I: Understanding Cultural Proficiency
Chapter 1. What Is Cultural Proficiency?
Chapter 2. The Historical Context for Cultural Proficiency
Part II: Using the Tools of Cultural Proficiency
Chapter 3. The First Tool, Descriptive Language: The Cultural Proficiency Continuum
Chapter 4. The Second Tool, Behavioral Competencies: The Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency
Chapter 5. The Third Tool, Underlying Values: The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency
Part III: Overcoming the Barriers to Cultural Proficiency
Chapter 6. Culturally Proficient Leadership: Formal and Nonformal Leaders
Chapter 7. The First Barrier: Unawareness of the Need to Adapt
Chapter 8. The Second Barrier: The Presumption of Entitlement
Part IV: Making the Commitment to Cultural Proficiency
Chapter 9. Cultural Proficiency: A Moral Imperative
Sample Workshop Agendas
Resource: Workshop Evaluation Form