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Kale salad or chips-and-dip: What’s for dinner? Explore the academic field of food in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Food Issues

Los Angeles, CA - Raw or cooked, processed or fresh: Food is a hot topic. With the constantly changing messages about food, it’s hard to know what to eat nowadays. What’s touted as a health food one day is deemed unsafe the next. With some hyped diets focused on juicing, vegetarian, Paleo, low carb/protein -rich, gluten free, organic, even eating foods in specific combinations, along with those dealing with food allergies—who can keep up with the trends? Plus there are ecological concerns about how the food is manufactured.

Timo Hannay joins SAGE Publishing’s Board as a Non-Executive Director

Los Angeles, CA- SAGE Publishing today announces that Timo Hannay is joining SAGE’s Board of Directors as a non-executive Director.  Dr. Hannay recently launched SchoolDash, a company devoted to the analysis and visualization of data about primary and secondary schools in the U.K. Until June 2015, he was the founding Managing Director of Digital Science, a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Group that invests in and develops scientific software innovations in order to simplify and accelerate the research process.

SAGE Publishing welcomes The Journal of Modern European History

SAGE Publishing will begin publishing the Journal of Modern European History, a quarterly journal, from February 2019.

The journal, edited by historians from around the world, centres each volume on different historical topics, widening the debate beyond the usual focus on nations such as England, France or Germany. The journal is open to all methodological and theoretical approaches.

Jonathan Beck, Publisher, C.H.Beck, commented:

SAGE Announces Social Science Impact Writing Contest

SAGE Publishing has launched a new contest for social and behavioral scientists to share the real-world impact of their research and help make the case that research in these fields can and should be used to improve the human condition. Winning stories will be published on Social Science Space, an online network for the social and behavioral science (SBS) community sponsored by SAGE, and the authors of the stories will receive a $500 honorarium.  

Submissions must:  

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