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178 Results Found for "Sociology"


Living in mixed communities makes ethnic minorities feel British

People from minorities are more likely to feel part of Britain when their neighbours are from different ethnic backgrounds, research published in the journal Sociology, says.

In the most comprehensive study of community cohesion yet carried out, Dr Neli Demireva, of the University of Essex, and Professor Anthony Heath, of the University of Oxford, analysed data from two surveys on 4,391 British people, 3,582 of them from ethnic minorities.

William Julius Wilson to Receive 2017 SAGE-CASBS Award

One of the nation’s most accomplished scholars of race, inequality, and poverty will deliver a public award lecture in June at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.

SAGE Publishing and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University are pleased to announce that William Julius Wilson is the 2017 recipient of the SAGE-CASBS Award.

Award-winning resources for Canadian post-secondary education

Access the award-winning SAGE Video and SAGE Research Methods collections in health and social wellness curated to meet the diverse needs of Canadian faculty and students. Providing a well-rounded academic experience that informs social welfare, policy, and healthcare, SAGE digital library products support a comprehensive learning experience through varied and interdisciplinary content for enhancing any course modality, as well as research projects. 

Social Sciences & Humanities

Since our founding in 1965, Sage has passionately advocated for the social sciences. Sage has developed a high-quality portfolio of journals across the social science disciplines, publishing the work of many leading authors, researchers and societies across the field, disseminating their research globally and nurturing emerging disciplines such as urban affairs and behavioural science.

SAGE Research Methods Datasets launched to teach research methods through practice

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announces the launch of SAGE Research Methods Datasets, a new resource that supports the teaching and independent learning of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods used in the social sciences. Using real-world data from around the world accompanied by step-by-step instructions, this resource teaches statistical and analytical techniques used in Business, Education, Health, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, among other disciplines.

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Sage 全新学科资源中心现已上线!Sage学科资源中心旨在通过学科分类将大量出版内容集中并清晰地呈现,以便于研究人员、图书管理员和作者查找和浏览所需内容和资源。Sage学科资源中心将借助网站优化及相关技术,提升用户在Sage期刊网站内检索出版资源的使用体验,有效促进和提升相关期刊的使用率。


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Emotional baggage? Dirty occupation – Don’t taint our profession

London - Social scientists suggest that we view workers in distasteful professions who do our “dirty work” as tainted – physically, socially or morally. Now researchers have named emotion as a fourth form of dirt and explain why professions dealing with difficult or threatening emotions are stigmatised by society.

Men over 60 who pay for sex use less protection and purchase more sex as they age

Los Angeles, CA- A new study published today in the American Journal of Men’s Health (a SAGE journal) surveyed American men between the ages of 60 and 84 who pay for sex and found that the older they were, the more frequently they paid for sex and the more likely they were to have experienced unprotected sexual intercourse multiple times with their favorite commercial sex providers.
