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50 Results Found for "Economic & Development Studies"


Can colleges create prosperous communities?

Colleges and universities, increasingly, are being viewed as engines of economic growth – and therefore measured against their ability to fulfil that role. The trend is intimately bound up with the shift, in most developed nations, toward a knowledge-based economy. Can colleges and universities provide a positive impact on our economy? Or are they overselling their economic impact and should they be doing a better job of working with their communities to better support both their local and wider global economy?

Do we need to rethink modern democracy?

London, UK (July 12, 2016). Democracy is under grave threat and with that the prospect of a better world for all, argues Philip Kotler in his latest book Democracy in Decline: Rebuilding its Future, publishing with SAGE Publishing later this month. Voting systems are flawed, fewer people vote, major corporations fund campaigns and as political parties battle it out, the real changes needed don’t occur.

Using SAGE Stats in Common Courses

State Stats + Local Stats

City Planning: Issues

Course Description:
This course introduces undergraduate planning students to the role of the planner in researching issues in cities both in the United States and abroad. This course is a practical, hands-on workshop that challenges students to research, write, and present their ideas on two different cities.

The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism presents scholarly insight on the growing travel industry

The travel and tourism industry is predicted to grow at an average rate of 3.9% every year over the next decade, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council. In the newly launched SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism, scholars from around the world present challenges and opportunities that the industry faces as it continues to grow. The encyclopedia consists of more than 500 entries that address social, economic, environmental, and policy issues.
