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Collaborative Leadership

Collaborative Leadership
Six Influences That Matter Most

Foreword by John Hattie, Afterword by Russell Quaglia, A Joint Publication With Learning Forward

September 2016 | 232 pages | Corwin

Get the fuel you need to drive collaborative leadership in your school!

What type of leadership do you practice? If your answer is transformational or instructional, you’re not alone. Many of us rely on these tenets. But there are better advantages in applying a holistic angle including all stakeholders—an approach known as collaborative leadership.


Peter DeWitt unpacks six leadership factors in Collaborative Leadership, all framed through the lens of John Hattie’s research. Adding insight, practical experiences, and vignettes, DeWitt paints a powerful scheme: meet stakeholders where they are, motivate stakeholders to strive for improvement, model how to do it. The meet, motivate, model blueprint will inspire you to

  • Transform your leadership practice
  • Identify where you can make immediate changes
  • Build and empower your leadership team
  • Incorporate all stakeholders into the conversation


Designed to shape collective teacher efficacy and foster teacher voice, Collaborative Leadership will leave you motivated to work together.

Check out a special podcast on Collaborative Leadership from Peter DeWitt.

Collaborative Leadership

What You Will Find in This Book

Why This Book?

About the Author
Chapter 1: What Do You Want to Be to Leadership?
What If You Could Be the Kind of Principal You Want to Be?

Motivating People to Be Their Best Every Day

What Is Collaborative Leadership?

Meet, Model, & Motivate

10 Critical Issues Facing Education

School Story—Many Hands Make Light Work

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Discussion Questions

Chapter 2: Instructional Leadership (.42)
What Do Instructional Leaders Do?

Collaborative Leadership: A Positive Effect on Learning

The Politics That Distract Us From Making Learning the Main Priority

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Flipping Our Focus to Learning

Student-Centered Leadership

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Discussion Questions

Chapter 3: Collective Teacher Efficacy (1.57)
To Be Effective, Teachers Need to Be Motivated

School Climate: The Plate Everything Lies On

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Enhance Communication to Promote Teacher Efficacy

Risk-Taking and Rule-Following: Finding the Balance

Within-School Variability

Fostering Teacher Voice to Increase Collaboration

Collective Teacher Efficacy

School Story—Teachers Need to Have a Voice, Too!

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Discussion Questions

Chapter 4: Assessment-Capable Learners (1.44)
Assessment-Capable Learners

Student Voice Needs to Come First

Inspiring Assessment-Capable Learning

Be More Than Visible

A Collaborative Leadership Mindframe

We Need Evidence to Collaborate Effectively

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Discussion Questions

Chapter 5: Professional Development (.51)
What Does Good Professional Development Look Like?

Flipped Faculty Meetings

Collaborative Leaders Debate, Dissect, and Discuss

The Core Business of Learning

School Story—Using Research to Engage All Stakeholders

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Discussion Questions

Chapter 6: Feedback (.75)
Feedback Is Complicated

Feedback to Move Learning Forward

One to Grow On

The Multiple Avenues of Effective Feedback

Teacher Observations: The Collaborative Approach

School Story—A New Collaboration

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Discussion Questions

Chapter 7: Family Engagement (.49)
Nurturing Family Engagement

Why Family Engagement Is Difficult

How We Communicate With Parents

Flipping Family Communications

The Partnership Approach

Branding Your School

School Story—Engaging Families at the High School Level

Meet, Model, & Motivate

Discussion Questions

Chapter 8—What Are Your Next Steps?
The Place to Start—Strengths

The Implementation Dip

Moving Forward by Discovering Your PLN

Don’t Negotiate or Regulate as Much as You Collaborate

Discussion Questions

Afterword—Russ Quaglia

"Teachers dream of having the type of principal described in Collaborative Leadership! DeWitt’s roadmap of Meet, Motivate, and Model, underpinned by an impressive research base, has the potential to transform relationships and collaboration between teachers and leaders, ultimately leading to an improved learning experience where the voices of all concerned are listened to and valued."

Lisa Lande, Executive Director
Teacher Voice & Aspirations International Center

"Peter DeWitt is an experienced teacher and administrator. I recommend his book as a practical and informative resource for administrators at any point in their career. It is easy to read and utilize from day one. It is an essential handbook to keep on your desk."

Dr. Jo Moccia, Superintendent
South Whidbey Schools

Sample Materials & Chapters



Chapter 1

For instructors

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