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Michael Mascarenhas University of California, Berkeley

Michael Mascarenhas is a first-generation college graduate, anti-colonialist, anti-racism comrade. Professor Mascarenhas’ scholarship examines the interconnections between contemporary neoliberal reforms, environmental change, and environmental justice and racism. This interdisciplinary body of research brings together concepts from critical race theory and environmental studies to help cultivate knowledge that contributes to political activism and coalition politics. Michael Mascarenhas is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of Where the Waters Divide Neoliberalism, White Privilege, and Environmental Racism in Canada (2012) and New Humanitarianism and the Crisis of Charity. Good Intentions on the Road to Help (2107). Professor Mascarenhas was an expert witness at the Michigan Civil Rights Commission on the Flint Water Crisis, and an invited speaker to the National Academes of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on Designing Citizen Science to Support Science Learning.