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Daphney St-Germain Université Laval, Canada

Daphney St-Germain is a full professor at Université Laval, in Nursing Faculty in Quebec City (Canada), for almost 15 years. She is a registered nurse holding a doctorate in Public Health (2007), a researcher at Institut de réadaptation en déficience physique de Québec (a physic rehabilitation center in Quebec city), and a panel expert member about Knowledge Translation and Implementation Science Toolkit development for Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario and Canadian Patient Safety institute organizations. She is the principal investigator for Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grant research developing a reflexive nurse’s portfolio focusing on patient safety competencies called INSÉPArable project. She obtained a certification as Patient Safety Trainer (2014) from Kingston University under the leadership of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) and leads significant researches and scientific publications. Both in research and teaching, she is involved for years in several professional activities related to continuous improvement of nursing quality of care, patient safety, humanization of care, and innovative processes in health care system.