Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice
Children, Adolescents & Interpersonal Violence | Criminology | Juvenile/Youth Crime
Interdisciplinary in scope, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice serves a diverse audience of academics and practitioners in the fields of criminal justice, education, psychology, social work, behavior analysis, sociology, law, counseling, public health, and all others with an interest in youth violence and juvenile justice.
Chad R. Trulson | University of North Texas, Denton, USA |
Jonathan Caudill | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA |
Tory J. Caeti | University of North Texas, Denton, USA |
Eric J. Fritsch | University of North Texas, Denton, USA |
Chad R. Trulson | University of North Texas, Denton, USA |
Ashley G. Blackburn | University of North Texas, Denton, USA |
Matt DeLisi | Iowa State University, USA |
Daniel Mears | Florida State University, USA |
Michael Baglivio | Analytic Initiatives, LLC |
Kevin M. Beaver | Florida State University, USA |
Cashen Boccio | The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Adam Brown | City University of New York (CUNY), USA |
Sara L. Bryson | East Carolina University, USA |
John Burrow | University of South Carolina, USA |
H. Daniel Butler | Iowa State University, USA |
Mary Ann Campbell | University of New Brunswick, Canada |
Kristin Carbone-Lopez | University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA |
Stephanie M. Cardwell | The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Dena C. Carson | Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, USA |
Kristina Childs | University of Central Florida, USA |
Joshua C. Cochran | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Olivier F. Colins | Ghent University, Belgium |
Nadine Connell | Griffith University, Australia |
Eric J. Connolly | Sam Houston State University, USA |
Jessica M. Craig | University of North Texas, USA |
Erin Espinosa | National Council on Crime & Delinquency, USA |
Abigail A. Fagan | University of Florida, USA |
Jamie Flexon | Florida International University, USA |
Bryanna Fox | University of South Florida, USA |
Kate Fox | Arizona State University, USA |
Tina L. Freiburger | University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA |
Carter Hay | Florida State University, USA |
Jonathan Intravia | Ball State University, USA |
Wesley Jennings | Texas State University, USA |
Melissa Kowalski | The College at Brockport (SUNY), USA |
Aaron Kupchik | University of Delaware, USA |
Daniel Lee | Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA |
David C. May | Eastern Kentucky University, USA |
James T. McCafferty | Kennesaw State University, USA |
Evan C. McCuish | Simon Fraser University, Canada |
Xiaohan Mei | California State University - Los Angeles, USA |
Chris Melde | Michigan State University, USA |
Ryan C. Meldrum | Florida Atlantic University, USA |
Holly Ventura Miller | Sam Houston State University, USA |
William Miller | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Mark Morgan | University of Dayton, USA |
David Mueller, Ph.D. | Boise State University, USA |
David L. Myers | Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Allison Payne | Villanova University, USA |
Jennifer Peck | University of Central Florida, USA |
Dana Peterson | State University of New York, Albany, USA |
Travis Pratt | University of Cincinnati, USA |
David C. Pyrooz | University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
Christopher Sullivan | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Michael G. Vaughn | Saint Louis University, USA |
Lacey N. Wallace | Penn State Altoona, USA |
Glenn D. Walters, Ph.D. | Kutztown, PA, USA |
Jennifer Wareham | Wayne State University, USA |
Adam Watkins | Bowling Green State University, USA |
Kelly Welch | Villanova University, USA |
Alex O. Widdowson | University of Louisville, USA |
Kevin T. Wolff | John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY), USA |
Emily M. Wright | University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA |
John P. Wright | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Jamie R. Yoder | Colorado State University, USA |
Brae Young | Texas Christian University, USA |
Steven Zane | Florida State University, USA |
Haley Zettler | University of Memphis, USA |
Manuscript Submission to Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice (YVJJ)
All new manuscripts to YVJJ must be submitted using the Sage track manuscript submission website. Please read below for instructions on submitting manuscripts to YVJJ.
Log onto the Sage track manuscript submission website at and click on “Create Account: New users click here.”
Follow the instructions and make sure to enter your current and correct email address. Once you have finished creating a user account, your User ID and Password will be sent via email.
Submission of a New Manuscript
Log onto the manuscript central website and select “Author Center.” Once at the Author Center, select the link “Click here to Submit a New Manuscript.” Follow the instructions on each page. Once finished with a page, click on the “Save and Continue” option at the end of each page. Continue to follow the instructions for loading a new manuscript and/or other files at the appropriate stages (e.g., abstract, title page, etc.). When loading the manuscript file, make sure to use the “Browse” function and locate the correct file on your computer drive. Make sure to “Upload Files” when you are finished selecting the manuscript file you wish to upload. NOTE: All text files must be in word format and de-identified (please also remove any identifying information from the manuscript’s properties before you upload the manuscript). The system will convert the submission to a PDF file.
After uploading your manuscript, review your submission in one of the provided formats (e.g., PDF). Once you have reviewed your submission, click on the “Submit” button. You should receive a submission confirmation screen and an email confirming submission. You can revisit the website at any time to review the status of your submission.
Submission of a Revised Manuscript
To submit a revised manuscript to YVJJ, log onto the Sage track manuscript submission website at Once at your Author Dashboard, view your “Manuscripts with Decisions” and select the option to “Create a Revision.” Continue to follow the directions to upload your revised manuscript. Make sure to upload a de-identified version of your revision as with the initial submission. Also provide comments regarding changes that were made to your revised manuscript. These comments will be provided to reviewers.
Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in the journal; simultaneous submissions are not acceptable.
All copy should be typed, double-spaced, and should follow the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Notes and references should appear at the end of the manuscript. Each manuscript should include a brief abstract of 100-150 words describing the subject, general approach, intended purpose of the article, and findings; include 4-5 keywords for indexing and online searching. Also, please supply a 2-3 line (within 50-75 words) bio for each author. Ordinarily, articles should be less than 35 pages in length. However, research notes should not exceed 15 pages.
Referees will evaluate submitted manuscripts anonymously. Therefore, potential contributors should send two electronic copies of the manuscript via e-mail, one copy that includes a cover page giving the title, author(s), and author(s) affiliation and complete contact information, and a second electronic copy in which only the title of the paper is included as a means of identification.
Book Reviews: Books for review and book review manuscripts should be sent to Ashley G. Blackburn, Book Review Editor, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, University of North Texas, Department of Criminal Justice, Denton, Texas 76203.
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