Youth Cultures
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Andy Bennett - Griffith University, Australia
Sociology of Culture
Sociology of Culture
March 2017 | 1 320 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
There is now almost 100 years of rich literature relating to youth culture. This major work brings together the best of this literature, from 'benchmark' essays to contemporary developments, in order to critically evaluate and assess the body of academic work. The perspective is truly global, with the selected articles addressing cultures in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East. The articles are organised into four thematic volumes:
Volume 1: Histories of Youth Culture
Volume 2: Subcultures and Style
Volume 3: Youth, Music and Media
Volume 4: Global Youth Culture
This is a highly valuable reference collection for researchers in all fields of youth culture including sociology, media and cultural studies and social anthropology.
Volume 1: Histories of Youth Culture
Volume 2: Subcultures and Style
Volume 3: Youth, Music and Media
Volume 4: Global Youth Culture
This is a highly valuable reference collection for researchers in all fields of youth culture including sociology, media and cultural studies and social anthropology.
Youth on the Road: Reflections on the History of Tramping
Judith Adler
From Counterculture to Consumer Culture Vespa and the Italian Youth Market, 1958–78
Adam Arvidsson
The Re-Invention of Bhangra: Social Change and Aesthetic Shifts in a Punjabi Music in Britain
Gerd Baumann
Jipis, Pijos, Fiesteros: Studies on Youth Cultures in Spain 1960–2004
Carles Fexia Pàmpols and Laura Porzio
From Jukebox Boys to Revolting Students: Richard Hoggart and the Study of British Youth Culture
David Fowler
The Emergence of a Modern Youth Culture: The Swedish 1930s
Mats Franzén
The Hippies: An American “Moment”
Stuart Hall
“Ducktails, Flick-Knives and Pugnacity”: Subcultural and Hegemonic Masculinities in South Africa, 1948–1960
Katie Mooney
From Classlessness to Clubculture: A Geneaology of British Post-War Youth Cultural Analysis
David Muggleton
"The Times They Are A-Changin"': The Music of Protest
Robert A. Rosenstone
Diversity of Experience, Experience of Diversity: Turkish Migrant Youth Culture in Berlin
Levent Soysant
Bodgies and Widgies – Youth Cultures in the 1950s
Jon Stratton
Beyond the Skinheads: Comments on the Emergence and Significance of the Glamrock Cult
Ian Taylor and David Wall
Shaping 1960s Youth in Britain and France: Fabulous and Salut les copains
Chris Tinker
Hot Swing and the Dissolute Life: Youth, Style and Popular Music in Europe 1939–49
Ralph Willet
“Nailed to the X”: A Lyrical History of the Straightedge Youth Subculture
Robert T. Wood
Subcultures or Neo-Tribes? Rethinking the Relationship between Youth, Style and Musical Taste
Andy Bennett
Youth Subcultural Theory: A Critical Engagement with the Concept, Its Origins and Politics, from the Chicago School to Postmodernism
Shane Blackman
Youth and Cultural Practice
Mary Bucholtz
The Struggle for Ethnicity: Swedish Youth Styles and the Construction of Ethnic Identities
Erling Bjurström
Consuming the Car: Anticipation, Use and Meaning in Contemporary Youth Culture
Eamonn Carrabine and Brian Longhurst
Defending Ski-Jumpers: A Critique of Theories of Youth Subcultures
Gary Clarke
Review: Badges of Half-Formed, Inarticulate Radicalism: A Critique of Recent Trends in the Study of Working Class Youth Culture
Chris Waters
Tribal Aspects of Postmodern Consumption Research: The Case of French In-line Roller Skaters
Bernard Cova and Véronique Cova
Real Punks and Pretenders: The Social Organisation of a Counterculture
Kathryn Joan Fox
Israeli Youth Body Adornments: Between Protest and Conformity
Yehuda Jacobson and Diana Luzzatto
Graffiti as Career and Ideology
Richard Lachmann
Subculture, Style and Chavs and Consumer Capitalism: Towards a Critical Cultural Criminology of Youth
Greg Martin
Settling Accounts with Youth Subcultures: A Feminist Critique
Angela McRobbie
Shut Up and Dance: Youth Culture and Changing Modes of Femininity
Angela McRobbie
U.S. Feminism-Grrrl Style! Youth (Sub)Cultures and the Technologics of the Third Wave
Ednie Kaeh Garrison
Rules of Rebellion: Slamdancing, Moshing, and the American Alternative Scene
William Tsitsos
Hip Hop Am Main: The Localisation of Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture
Andy Bennett
Punks Not Dead: The Significance of Punk Rock for an Older Generation of Fans
Andy Bennett
Pop in(to) the Bedroom: Popular Music in Pre-Teen Girls’ Bedroom Culture
Sarah Louise Baker
‘The Magic that Can Set You Free’: The Ideology of Folk and the Myth of the Rock Community
Simon Frith
Another Boring Day in Paradise
Lawrence Grossberg
The ‘Failure’ of Youth Culture: Reflexivity, Music and Politics in the Black Metal Scene
Keith Kahn-Harris
Subcultural Identity in Alternative Music Culture
Holly Kruse
Into the “Jungle”
Benjamin Noys
Swedish Youth and Music: Listening Patterns and Motivations
Keith Roe
The Power of Love: Raï Music and Youth in Algeria
Marc Schade-Poulsen
Youth Culture and the Making of the Post-Fordist Econony: Dance Music in Contemporary Britain
Richard J. Smith and Tim Maughan
Why Doesn’t Anybody Write Anything about Glam Rock
Jon Stratton
Systems of Articulation, Logics of Change: Communities and Scenes in Popular Music
Will Straw
Breakdance, Red Eyed Penguins, Vikings, Grunge and Straight Rock ’n’ Roll: The Construction of Place in Musical Discourse in Rudenga, East Side Oslo
Viggo Vestel
Just a Girl? Rock Music, Feminism, and the Cultural Construction of Female Youth
Gayle Wald
Youth Culture, Music, and Cell Phone Branding in China
Jing Wang
Adolescents’ Uses of Media for Self-Socialization
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Virtual Subculture? Youth, Identity and the Internet
Andy Bennett
Digital Participation at the Margins: Online Circuits of Rap Music by Portuguese Afro-Descendant Youth
Ricardo Campos and José Alberton Simões
“Where My Girls At?” Negotiating Black Womanhood in Music Videos
Rana A. Emerson
Beyond the Myth of the “Cyberkid”: Young People at the Margins of the Information Revolution
Keri Facer and Ruth Furlong
Symbiotic Transformations: Youth, Global Media and Indigenous Culture in Malta
Joe Grixti
Online Journals as Virtual Bedrooms: Young People, Identity and Personal Space
Paul Hodkinson and Sian Lincoln
Music Television and the Invention of Youth Culture in India
Vamsee Juluri
Interactive Subcultures and Oppositional Politics
Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner
“You Should Have Been There Man”: Live Music, DIY Content and On-line Communities
Jessa Lingel and Mor Naaman
Rethinking ‘Moral Panic’ for Multi-Mediated Social Worlds
Angela McRobbie and Sarah L. Thornton
My Tribe: Post-subcultural Manifestations of Belonging on Social Network Sites
Brady Robards and Andy Bennett
Youth Culture, Media and Globalization Processes in Greenland
Jette Rygaard
The Rise of a “Me Culture” in Postsocialist China: Youth, Individualism and Identity Creation in the Blogosphere
Yangzi Sima and Peter C. Pugsley
Authentic Identities: Straightedge Subculture, Music, and the Internet
J. Patrick Williams
Rave and Straightedge, the Virtual and the Real: Exploring Online and Offline Experiences in Canadian Youth Subcultures
Brian Wilson and Michael Atkinson