Part 1: Inventing the Public Sphere
Speech to the Electors of Bristol
Edmund Burke
An Answer to the Question: 'What Is Enlightenment?'
Immanuel Kant
On Public Opinion
Alexander Hamilton
On Public Opinion
Jacques Peuchet
Excerpt from Critique of the Power of Judgment
Immanuel Kant
Public Opinion
James Madison
Excerpt from Toward Perpetual Peace
Immanuel Kant
Excerpt from The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns
Benjamin Constant
Excerpt from Elements of the Philosophy of Right
W.F. Hegel
Excerpt from On Liberty
John Stuart Mill
Part 2: 'Mass Society', Democracy and Public Opinion
Excerpt from Critique of Public Opinion
Ferdinand Tönnies
The Principles of Parliamentarism
Carl Schmitt
Excerpts from The Phantom Public
Walter Lippmann
Excerpt from The Public and Its Problems
John Dewey
Excerpt from Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
Joseph A. Schumpeter
Part 3: The Rediscovery of the Public Sphere
The Public and the Private Realm
Hannah Arendt
On Judgment and Politics
Hannah Arendt
The Publice Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article
J rgen Habermas
The Scientization of Politics and Public Opinion
J rgen Habermas
Introduction to Public Sphere and Experience
Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge
The End of Public Culture
Richard Sennett
Part 4: Debating the Public Sphere
The Blurring of Public and Private Behaviours
Joshua Meyrowitz
Societal Complexity and Public Opinion
Niklas Luhmann
Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy
Nancy Fraser
Further Reflections on the Public Sphere
J rgen Habermas
The Public and the Private Sphere: A Feminist Reconsideration
Joan B. Landes
Public Intimacies, Private Citizens: Inequalities and the Pluralization of Public Spheres
Ken Plummer
Part 1: The Public Sphere and Deliberative Democracy
On Legitimacy and Political Deliberation
Bernard Manin
Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy
Joshua Cohen
Civil Society, Public Opinion, and Communicative Power
J rgen Habermas
Three Normative Models of Democracy
J rgen Habermas
The Sense of Reciprocity
Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson
The Idea of Public Reason Revisited
John Rawls
Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism?
Chantal Mouffe
Is the Ideal of a Deliberative Democracy Coherent?
Cristina Lafont
Part 2: The Political Public Sphere at Work: Public Opinion
The Nature of Personal Influence
Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson and Hazel Gaudet
Democratic Theory and Public Opinion
Bernard Berelson
Opinion Research and Publicness
Theodor W. Adorno
The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media
Maxwell E. McCombs and Donald L. Shaw
The Spiral of Silence: A Theory of Public Opinion
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
Public Opinion Does Not Exist
Pierre Bourdieu
Part 3: The Political Public Sphere at Work: Deliberation
Against Deliberation
Lynn M. Sanders
Deliberation as Discussion
James D. Fearon
Good Citizens and Bad History: Today's Political Ideals in Historical Perspective
Michael Schudson
Measuring Publicity's Effect: Reconciling Empirical Research and Normative Theory
Simone Chambers
Political Communication in Media Society: Does Democracy Still Enjoy an Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of Normative Theory on Empirical Research
J rgen Habermas
The Surprising Failures of Deliberating Groups
Cass R. Sunstein
Disaggregating Deliberation's Effects: An Experiment within a Deliberative Poll
Cynthia Farrar et al
Part 1: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics
Discourses and Institutions
The Dialectic of the Aesthetic Power of Judgment
Immanuel Kant
Letter to M. d'Alembert on the Theatre
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Theater Considered as a Moral Institution
Friedrich Schiller
Institutions of the Public Sphere
J rgen Habermas
Theodor W. Adorno
Aesthetic Experience and Political Impact
On the Social Function of Literature
Hans Robert Jauss
Tales of Sound and Fury: Observations on the Family Melodrama
Thomas Elsaesser
History as Entertainment and Provocation: The TV Series 'Holocaust' in West Germany
Siegfried Zielinski
On Theatre
Bertolt Brecht
On Uncle Tom's Cabin
Henry Louis Gates Jr and Hollis Robbins
Part 2: Publics and Markets
Publics and Readers
The Bourgeois Family and the Institutionalization of a Privateness Oriented to an Audience
J rgen Habermas
The Reading Public and the Rise of the Novel
Ian Watt
Early Cinema: Whose Public Sphere?
Miriam Hansen
Perspectives on Media and the Modern Public
Culture Industry Reconsidered
Theodor W. Adorno
Free Time
Theodor W. Adorno
Human Interest Stories and Democracy
Helen MacGill Hughes
Celebrity Culture and Public Connection: Bridge or Chasm?
Nick Couldry and Tim Markham
Public Service Broadcasting and Modern Public Life
Paddy Scannell
The Cultural Public Sphere
Jim McGuigan
Beyond the Semantic 'Big Bang': Cultural Sociology and an Aesthetic Public Sphere
Paul Jones
Section 3: Identity, Identification and Imagination
The Origins of National Consciousness
Benedict Anderson
Suppose James Brown Read Fanon: The Black Arts Movement, Cultural Nationalism and the Failure of Popular Musical Praxis
Michael Hanson
This Book Changes Lives: The 'Consciousness-Raising Novel' and Its Legacy
Imelda Whelehan and Maroula Joannou
Taking Sides
Luc Boltanski
The Discourse of Global Compassion: The Audience and Media Reporting of Human Suffering
Birgitta Höijer
Part 4: Cultural Policy and the Public Sphere
Can a Liberal State Support Art?
Ronald Dworkin
The Media and the Public Sphere
Nicholas Garnham
Learning from Experience: Cultural Policies and Cultural Democracy in the 20th Century
Jostein Gripsrud
Building the Digital Commons: Public Broadcasting in the Age of the Internet
Graham Murdock
Part 1: The Internet as a Public Sphere
Cyberdemocracy: Internet and the Public Sphere
Mark Poster
Democracy Online: Civility, Politeness, and the Democratic Potential of Online Political Discussion Groups
Zizi Papacharissi
Dismantling the Digital Divide: Rethinking the Dynamics of Participation and Exclusion
Graham Murdock and Peter Golding
The Internet, Public Spheres, and Political Communication: Dispersion and Deliberation
Peter Dahlgren
Whose Voice Is Heard in Online Deliberation? A Study of Participation and Representation in Political Debates on the Internet
Steffen Albrecht
Todd Gitlin
Part 2: Fragmentation and Segmentation
Public Sphere or Public Sphericules?
Against the Tide? Small Groups, Social Movements, and the Net
Robert D. Putnam
On Power Law Distributions, Network Topology, and Being Heard
Yochai Benkler
Neither Hayek nor Habermas
Cass R. Sunstein
Part 3: Difference and Deliberation
Difference as a Resource for Democratic Communication
Iris Marion Young
Deliberative Democracy, Self-determination, and Multiculturalism
Seyla Benhabib
Religion in the Public Sphere
J rgen Habermas
Part 4: Transnational Public Spheres
National and Transnational Public Spheres
Bernhard Peters
Expanding Dialogue: The Internet, the Public Sphere and Prospects for Transnational Democracy
James Bohman
Beyond Migration: Islam as a Transnational Public Space
John R. Bowen
Television and the European Public Sphere
Jostein Gripsrud
Transnationalizing the Public Sphere: On the Legitimacy and Efficacy of Public Opinion in a Post-Westphalian World
Nancy Fraser
Global 24/7 News Providers: Emissaries of Global Dominance or Global Public Sphere?
Simon Cottle and Mugdha Rai
The New Public Sphere: Global Civil Society, Communication Networks, and Global Governance
Manuel Castells
Uniting and Dividing: The European Public Sphere as an Unfinished Project
Hans-Jörg Trenz
Pressure on Press Freedom: The Current Religious War on Freedom of Expression
Frederik Stjernfelt