The Business of Media
Corporate Media and the Public Interest
- David Croteau - Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
- William Hoynes - Vassar College, USA
Key Features:
- Examines the basic dynamics that underlie the changing media industry and the possible influence these changes are having on society (society's insatiable quest for profits and democratic society's need for a media system that serves the public interest)
- Draws from both social and economic theory to create two conceptual frameworks: market model, and public sphere model
- Focus on devlopments in the last decade to major media industry trends mapping structural organization, the rise of media conglomerates, and their new strategies
- Assesses the impact of recent changes in the media industry using the public sphere model on social and political life
- Offers clear, concise, jargon-free writing accessible to all students and professionals without an economics background
Good for undergraduate students - enough background for context, enough ideas for discussion, but does not get bogged down in complexity.