Robert I. Rotberg
Overcoming Difficult Challenges: Bolstering Good Governance
Ann Bernstein
South Africa’s Key Challenges: Tough Choices and New Directions
Roger Southall
Democracy at Risk? Politics and Governance under the ANC
Jeremy Seekings
The Social and Political Implications of Demographic Change in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Nicoli Nattrass
Meeting the Challenge of Unemployment?
Carol Bower
The Plight of Women and Children: Advancing South Africa’s Least Privileged
Saleem Badat and Yusuf Sayed
Post-1994 South African Education: The Challenge of Social Justice
Andrew Babson
Developing the Possibilities for South African Youth: Beyond Limited Educational Choices?
Alan Whiteside
South Africa’s Key Health Challenges
Elrena van der Spuy and Clifford Shearing
Curbing the Killing Fields: Making South Africa Safer
Anton Harber
Accountability and the Media
Chris Saunders
South Africa and Africa
Robert I. Rotberg
The Need for Strengthened Political Leadership