Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People and Families
A Guide for Nurses and Midwives
- Gill Watson - University of Dundee, UK
- Sandra Rodwell - NHS Tayside
Safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children is a statutory duty for all nurses and midwives. This book helps equip student nurses and midwives with the confidence, knowledge and skills needed for working with families to support and protect children. It covers the full spectrum of safeguarding work, from professional issues such as boundaries and confidentiality through to attachment and communication.
Key features:
-A clear explanation of the policy and key theories informing safeguarding work.
-Consideration of the common challenges you are likely to face, such as vulnerability in pregnancy, domestic violence and parenting capacity.
-Reflective activities and case histories which help you to develop and enhance your own practice.
The book also considers multi-agency working and includes important coverage on professional issues like boundaries, confidentiality, referral and accountability. Written with clarity and accuracy, the authors have produced an important resource suitable for any nurse or midwife preparing to work with children and families.
Clear and contemporary information that is relevant for all public health nurses and health visitors.
Excellent overview of underpinning principles and their relationship to current best practice.
Excellent text. All chapters identify key words and reflective activity thereby linking theory and practice.
This text is well written and provides a useful introduction to child protection and safeguarding practice for nurses, midwives and health visitors.
It is particularly welcome to see Scottish policy and practice threaded throughout the book as many similar textbooks tend to focus on policy and practice in England. However, it is important to point out that there have been some important legislative changes within Scotland since the book was published which will impact on practice.
I really like this book, so useful and relevant not just to nurses but all healthcare professionals.
This is an excellent book that clearly assess the challenges faced by children and families and those responsible for their care. Relevant case studies with activites, encourage a deeper understanding of the role and responsibilities of health professionals in safeguarding children in our society.
An excellent book that clearly assesses the challenges faced by children and families and those responsible for their care. The detailed and interesting case histories provide opportunities to reflect on own practice and consider ways to develop as a practitioner. Reflective activities throughout encourage a deeper understanding of the role and responsibilities of nurses in safeguarding children in our contemporary and ever changing society.
I am very impressed with this text. The way it is presented enables practitioners and students to grasp the basics whilst appreciating the complexities of safeguarding children. The case studies are effective and the use of theoretical models and research enhances the impact of the content. I will be recommending this text for our pre-registration nursing students.
interesting book gives a good insight into this very topical area in healthcare
This is an understandable and interesting read. I thought that the reflective activities were good and the book itself covered the key themes. Good scenarios used throughout.