Safeguarding Adults in Social Work
Social Work Theory and Practice
The first part of the book explores the evolution of concepts and policies for safeguarding adults, with particular reference to the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Capacity Act 2005. In the second section the focus shifts to good practice in empowering vulnerable adults. The final section focuses on developing effective professional and inter-professional practice.
This text allows students to understand the fundamentals of social work and the impact it can have on Adults and how we can safeguard vulnerable individuals.
Safeguarding is essential within social work practice and this book enables the individual to gain a better, clearer and valuable insight into adult abuse and the need to ensure that it remains high on the agenda for all when working with vulnerable adults.
A fantastic book for anyone working with vulnerable adults. Safeguarding explanations given, descriptions of indicators of abuse and who are at risk. Information on surveys and statistics on abuse and why and how these have been carried out.Factors that could cause people to abuse and the signs that abuse may be happening a very well written and presented book, have even bought another copy for use in professional practice as well as teaching.
An Excellent text which gives a superb overview of contemporary issues in relation to safeguarding adults in social work
This book offers a valuable insight into the once neglected subject area of Adult Abuse. It helps students and practitioners understand the ever changing world of abuse and allows them to implement different methodologies within their own practice.
A valuable introduction to the area of Safeguarding adults for students first studying this area of social work practice. This text provides a great introduction to the topic and an ideal platform for further reading and development of greater knowledge.
This is an easy to read text book for HNC Health and Social care students. The book clearly explains to students how safegaurding issues can, should and are addressed within social work.
This book compliments the Safegaurding Adults in Nursing Practice book written by Ruth Northwat and Robert Jenkins.
These books together offer students a valuable insight into how both professions deal with simialr issues.
Recommended as a complimentary resource to our safeguarding vulnerable adults module. Very useful resource
I found this book easy to read and, as a practising social worker, it includes information relevant to current social work practice. It is definately a title I would recommend to students or newly qualified social workers with little practice knowledge of safeguarding adults in order to gain a better understanding of this area of social work.
This is very good book, and one of the few texts available one this subject. It is well written and gives a clear perspective of adult safeguarding from a social care viewpoint