Facilitator's Guide to Inquire Within, Second Edition
- Douglas Llewellyn - St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY
Science Methods
Demonstrate key strategies for cultivating learners' sense of discovery and advancing student achievement in science!
Based on the best-selling second edition of Inquire Within, this guide helps staff developers and workshop leaders facilitate book study groups, seminars, and professional development events that demonstrate how teachers can implement inquiry-based instruction in the classroom. Facilitators will be able to help teachers understand how children learn science, what scientific inquiry actually is, and what an inquiry-based science classroom looks like. Teachers will discover how to:
- Cultivate a classroom culture of inquiry
- Design investigations or translate existing activities into inquiry-based learning experiences
- Integrate inquiry instruction with grade-level curricular objectives
The chapter-by-chapter study guide features:
- Discussion questions
- Workshop activities
- Chapter summaries
- Handouts
- Resources for extending learning
- Sample agendas for half-day and one-day workshops
- A workshop evaluation form
Aligned with the National Science Education Standards, the Facilitator's Guide to Inquire Within is ideal for staff developers or anyone leading professional development for groups of any size—pairs, small workshops, or large seminars.