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Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment - The Provider's Guide

Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment - The Provider's Guide
Strategies for Self-Improvement and Change; Pathways to Responsible Living

Second Edition

November 2007 | 392 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
To learn more about CCSAT directly from the authors, please click here and view the Author Video.

Designed for providers who work with judicial clients, the Providers Guide presents effective cognitive-behavioral treatment approaches. The Second Edition of this bestseller unveils a state-of-the-art approach for effectively preventing criminal recidivism and substance abuse relapse within community based and correctional settings.

The core of the SSC program is a positive relationship between provider and client.

Summary of results survey from the first edition of SSC
  • 95% of the providers rated the components of SSC to be adequate to very adequate in meeting the treatment needs of judicial clients
  • Over 90% of providers rated clients as having a moderate to very high involvement in homework and reading
  • 95% of the clients rates as very high their satisfaction of SSC delivery, the provider's response to client needs and clients' comfort with providers
  • Around 80% of clients reported their cognitive and behavioral control over AOD use and criminal conduct had improved during SSC

The accompanying Participant's Workbook to the SSC is written to engage clients and encourage active participation in treatment and responsible living:
  • Phase I: Challenge to Change: Building Knowledge and Skills for Responsible Living
  • Phase II: Commitment to Change: Strengthening Skills for Self-Improvement, Change, and Responsible Living
  • Phase III: Taking Ownership of Change: Lifestyle Balance and Healthy Living

SAGE offers treatment and training programs for mental health providers that you can easily incorporate into your existing programs. Visit to learn more about these treatment and training programs.

Overview of Second Edition

Changes in the Workbook

Treatment Changes and Enhancements

How this Provider's Guide is Organized

The Participant's Workbook

Individualized Treatment Plan

The SCC Provider

Adjunct Provider's Guide for Women in Corrections

Addressing Diversity

Target Groups and Delivery Setting

Effectiveness and Efficacy of SCC

Distinguishing Between Self-Improvement and Change

Chapter 1: Core Strategies and Conceptual Framework for Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment
Chapter Outline

Chapter Objectives


Understanding Treatment, Psychotherapy and Counseling

The Core Strategies of the Treatment Platform

Program Conceptual Framework

Chapter Review

Chapter 2: The Therapeutic Relationship and Motivational Enhancement
Chapter Outline

Chapter Objectives


Efficacy of Psychosocial Therapies

Common Determinants of Treatment Outcome

Provider Skills in Integrating Education and Therapy

Correctional-Therapeutic Partnership

Profile of the Effective SA Judicial Client Provider

Provider Cultural Competence: Capitalizing on Strengths of Diversity

Chapter Review

Chapter 3: Treatment Phases: Facilitating Learning, Growth and Change
Chapter Outline

Chapter Objectives


Traditional Theories of Learning

A Dynamic Model for Learning and Growth

The Stages of Change and teh SSC treatment Structure

Fundamental Issues Regarding Learning and Change

Chapter Review

Chapter 4: Cognitive-Behavioral Approach as the Platform for Change
Chapter Outline

Chapter Objectives


Brief Summary of Historical Roots of CB Treatment

Effectiveness of CBT

CB Assumptions Underlying AOD Abuse and CC and thier Treatment

Cognitive Structures that are the Focus of Treatment

Cognitive Processes that are the Focus of Treatment

Cognitive-Bahavioral Methods used in SSC

Self-Efficacy: A Focal Issue in CB Treatment

The Context of Change

The Emotional Component of CBT

The SSC CB Model for Change: The SSC Cognitive-Behavioral Map

Chapter Review

Chapter 5: Relapse and Recidivism Prevention
Chapter Outline

Chapter Objectives


Relaspe Prevention: A Major Paradigm Shift

Addressing Recidivism Prevention

Overview of Marlatt's Relapse Prevention Model

The Relapse and Recidivism Model Used in SSC

Chapter Review

Chapter 6: The Assessment Structure , Process and Instrumentation
Chpater Outline

Chapter Objectives


Convergent Validation Model for Assessment

Screening for SSC: Discerning Criminal Conduct and AOD Problems

The Assessment Program: The PACE Index

PACE Case Example Presentatiaon

Client Self-Assessment During SSC

Summary of a Pace and the Automated Pace Manager

Chapter Review

Chapter 7: Methods and Procedures for Effective Program Delivery
Chapter Outline

Chapter Objectives


Intake and Admission Procedures and Guidelines

Program Agreements and Ground Rules: Expectations of Clients

Expectations of Providers and Group Leaders

Structure and Strategies of Program Delivery

Phase and Program Closure Guidelines

Removal of Client from Program

Manual-Guided Delivery Principles for SSC

Provider Knowledge and Skills Necessary for SSC Delivery

Principals of Effective Group Leadership The Provider's Many Hats

Re-Entry and Re-Integration

Provider Skills Evaluation and Supervision

Provider Qualifications

Evaluating Sessions Delivery Efficacy

Introduction to Section III

Goals and Objectives of SSC

Key Topics of the Treatment Curriculum

How Section III of this Provider's Guide is Organized

Participant's Workbook

Program Agreements and Ground Rules: Expectations of Clients

Service Delivery Options and Approaches

Intake and In-Depth Assessment

Client Progress and Change Evaluation

Orientation Sessions

Introduction to Phase I

Provider Goals and Objectives for Phase I

Module 1: Orientation: How This Program Works
Session 1: Getting Started: How SSC Works and Developing Trust

Session 2: Rules, Tools, and Targets for Chagne

Module 2: Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Chagne and Responsible Living
Session 3: How Our THinking, Attitudes and Beliefs Control our Actions

Session 4: How Behavior is Learned and Changed

Module 3: Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) use Patters and Outcomes
Session 5: Alcohol nad Other Drugs: How do the Facts Fit You?

Session 6: Understanding Alcohol or Other Drug use Patterns: How do They Fit You?

Session 7: AOD Impaired Control Cycles: Pathways to Problem Outcomes and Addiction

Session 8: AOD Problem Outcomes- Patterns of Misuse and Abuse: How do They Fit You?

Module 4: Understanding and Changing Criminal thinking and Bahaviors
Session 9: Prosocial, Antisocial and Criminal Thinking and Behavior

Session 10: Thinking Errors and the Criminal Conduct Cycle

Module 5: Sharing and Listening: Communication Pathyways to Self-Awareness and Other-Awareness
Session 11: Pathways to Self-Awareness: The Skills of Active Sharing

Session 12: Pathways to Other-Awareness: The Skills of Active Listening

Session 13: A Deeper Sharing of Your AOD Use and Emotions

Session 14: A Deeper Sharing of Your Criminal Conduct History

Module 6: Understanding and Preventing Relapse and Recidivism
Session 15: Pathways to Relapse and Recidivism

Session 16: Pathways to Relapse and Recidivism Prevention

Session 17: Managing Urges and Cravings and Learning Refusal Skills

Module 7: Steps, Stages and Skills for Self-Improvement and Change
Session 18: Stages, Steps and Roadblocks to Chagne

Session 19: Skills for Changing Thinking anf Beliefs

Session 20: Plan for Change: Your Master Profile and Master Assessment Plan

Phase I Closure: Looking Forward and Making a Commitment
Summary of Phase I

Provider Skills and treatment Strategies of Phase II

Provide Goals and Objectives for Phase II

Focus on Positive Actions and Outcomes - The STEP Approach

Preperation Session for Phase II

Module 8: Mental Self-Control: Managing Thoughts and EMotions
Session 21: Practicing Mental Self-Control and Change Skills

Session 22: Recognizing and Being Aware of nagative Thinking

Session 23: Managing and Changing Negative Thinking and Beliefs

Session 24: Recognizing and Changing Errors in Thinking

Session 25: Understanding Stress: It's Causes and Roots

Session 26: Managing Stress and Emotions

Session 27: Managing and Regulating Anger

Session 28: Managing Guilt and Depression and Increasing Positive Emotions

Module 9: Social and Relationship Skills Building
Session 29: Strengthening Communication Skills

Session 30: Starting a Difficult Conversation and Keeping it Going

Session 31: Giving and Recieving Praise and Positive Reinforcement

Session 32: Skills in Problem Solving

Session 33: It's Your Right: developing Assertiveness Skills

Session 34: managing Angerin Relationships- The Guilt-Anger Cycle

Session 35: Developing and Keeping Close and Intimate Relationships

Module 10: Skills in Social and Community Responsibility
Session 36: Strengthening Character adn Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors

Session 37: Understanding and Practicing Empathy

Session 38: Understanding Agression, Abuse and Violence

Session 39: Preventing Agression, Abuse and Violence

Session 40: Settling Conflicts and Getting to a Win-Win

Session 41: Values and Morals for Responsible Living - The Moral Dilemma

Session 42: Giving to Community and Driving with Care

Phase II Closure: Looking Forward and Taking Ownership
Summary of Phases I and II

Provider Skills and Treatment Strategies for Phase III

Provider Goals and Objectives of Phase III

Preperation Session for Phase III

Module 11: Relapse and Recidivism Prevention: Strategies for a Balanced Lifestyle
Session 43: Strengthening Your Relapse and Recidivism Prevention Skills

Session 44: Strengthening Your Relapse and Recidivism Prevention Plan

Session 45: Strengthening You R&R Prevention through Critical Reasoning

Module 12: Strengthening Ownership of Change: Skills For a Healthy Lifestyle
Session 46: Managing Work, Job and Time

Session 47: Healthy Play and Leisure Time

Session 48: Relaxation Skills For a Healthy Lifestyle

Session 49: Healthy Eating, Personal Care and Physical Activity

Session 50: Recieving and Giving Support for Change and Responsible Living

Phase III Closure: Continuing Your Journey of Responsible Living
Key features
  • Addresses important and complex issues of our time.
  •  Bold and elegant strategy represented
  •  Strictly addresses the substance abuse problems and issues associated with criminal offenders

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412905923