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Jeanne Shay Schumm joined the University of Miami faculty in 1988 and became department chair in 1998. She received the Vice President’s Service Award in 1992. A former elementary teacher, Schumm earned her Ph.D. in reading from the university, and has since attended numerous professional development workshops on research, literacy, and grants administration. Currently she serves as Professor-in-Residence at Henry S. West Laboratory School.
She has written and contributed to several books, including School Power , Handbook for the K-12 Reading Resource Specialist , How to Help Your Child with Homework , and Promising Practices in Urban Reading Instruction. She recently edited a textbook entitled, Reading Assessment and Instruction for All Learners. Her professional articles include Grouping Suggestions for the Classroom: What Do Our Basal Reading Series Tell Us? in Reading Research and Instruction.
Schumm has served as co-principal investigator of numerous studies, including Project RESSULTS (Reading Endorsement Supports Scientific Up-to-Date Language Teaching Strategies), Project Succeed (Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant), and South Florida Annenberg Challenge Program Evaluation. She is currently conducting research as part of an ongoing tutorial program, UM STARS.
She has served on the editorial advisory boards of The Reading Teacher, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Journal of Developmental Education, and Reading Research and Instruction. Schumm is also a member of the International Reading Association, Council for Exceptional Children, Florida Reading Association, and National Reading Conference.