Learning Disability Quarterly
Learning Disabilities | Special Education Curriculum | Special Education Instruction
Impact Factor: 1.000
Ranked:18/36 in Education, Special and 33/64 in Rehabilitation
Source: 2010 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2011)
Learning Disability Quarterly publishes high-quality research and scholarship concerning children, youth, and adults with learning disabilities. Consistent with that purpose, the journal seeks to publish articles with the potential to impact and improve educational outcomes, opportunities, and services.
Diane P. Bryant | The University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Sam Choo | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities |
Stephanie Al Otaiba | Southern Methodist University, USA |
Elizabeth Allen | PRO-ED |
Alfredo Artiles | Stanford University |
Marcia Barnes | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Sheri Berkeley | George Mason University, USA |
Randall Boone | University of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA |
Brian Bottge | University of Kentucky, USA |
Emily C. Bouck | Michigan State University, USA |
Joseph R. Boyle | Temple University, USA |
Lee Branum-Martin | Georgia State University, USA |
Mary Beth Calhoon | Miami University, USA |
David Chard | Boston University, USA |
Paul Cirino | University of Houston, USA |
Stephen P. Ciullo | Texas State University, USA |
Ben Clarke | University of Oregon, USA |
Nathan H. Clemens | University of Texas - Austin, USA |
Bryan G. Cook | University of Virginia, USA |
Michael D. Coyne | University of Connecticut, USA |
Lindy Crawford | Texas Christian University, USA |
Kelli D. Cummings | University of Maryland, USA |
Minyi Shih Dennis | Lehigh University, USA |
Lisa Dieker | University of Kansas, USA |
Joseph A. Dimino | Instructional Research Group, Signall Hill, CA, USA |
Barbara Dougherty | University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA |
Dave Edyburn | University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA |
Carol Sue Englert | Michigan State University, USA |
Christine Espin | Leiden University, Netherlands |
Michael Faggella-Luby | Texas Christian University, USA |
Terry Falcomata | The University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Hank Fien | Boston University, USA |
Margaret Flores | Auburn University, USA |
Russell Gersten | Instructional Research Group, Los Alamitos, CA, USA |
Steve Graham | Arizona State University, USA |
Diane Haager | California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
Stephen Hecht | Nova Southeastern University, USA |
Kyle Higgins | University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA |
Brittany L. Hott | University of Oklahoma, USA |
Jessica Hunt | North Carolina State University, USA |
Michael J. Kennedy | University of Virginia, USA |
Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller | Southern Methodist University, USA |
Ae-Hwa Kim | Dankook University |
Sun A. Kim | Queens College, USA |
Margaret E. King-Sears | George Mason University, USA |
Jennifer Krawec | University of Miami, USA |
Russell Lang | Texas State University - San Marcos, USA |
Erica S. Lembke | University of Missouri, USA |
Sylvia F. Linan-Thompson | University of Oregon, USA |
Endia Lindo | Texas Christian University, USA |
Esther Lindstrom | Lehigh University, USA |
Doris Luft Baker | Southern Methodist University, USA |
Malka Margalit | Tel-Aviv University, Israel |
Troy Mariage | Michigan State University, USA |
Margo A. Mastropieri | George Mason University, USA |
John McKenna | University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA |
Jeremy Miciak | University of Houston, USA |
Min Mize | Winthrop University, USA |
Joseph Morgan | University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA |
Lisa Morin | Old Dominion, USA |
Maryam Nozari | University of Hawaii, USA |
Rollanda E. O'Connor | University of California-Riverside, USA |
Min Wook Ok | Daegu University, South Korea |
Cynthia M. Okolo | Michigan State University, USA |
Jiyeon Park | Eastern Kentucky University, USA |
Kimberly Paulsen | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Mark Pedrotty | University of New Mexico, USA |
Kathleen Hughes Pfannenstiel | American Institutes for Research, USA |
Sarah R. Powell | University of Texas, Austin, USA |
Paige Pullen | University of Florida, USA |
Nicole Pyle | Utah State University, USA |
Kavita Rao | University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA |
Deborah K. Reed | University of Tennessee, USA |
Colleen K. Reutebuch | University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Megan Rojo | University of North Texas, USA |
Kristi Santi | University of Houston, USA |
David Scanlon | Boston College, USA |
Thomas E. Scruggs | George Mason University, USA |
Pamela Seethaler | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Mikyung Shin | West Texas A&M University, USA |
Tricia Strickland | Hood College |
Elizabeth Swanson | University of Texas-Austin, USA |
H. Lee Swanson | University of New Mexico, USA |
Gerald Tindal | University of Oregon, USA |
Jessica R. Toste | University of Texas - Austin, USA |
Sharon R. Vaughn | University of Texas, Austin, USA |
Jeanne Wanzek | Vanderbilt University, USA |
Laci Watkins | The University of Alabama, USA |
Silvana M. R. Watson | Old Dominion University, USA |
Beverly Weiser | Southern Methodist University, USA |
Jade Wexler | University of Maryland- College Park |
Yan Ping Xin | Purdue University, USA |
Dake Zhang | Rutgers University, USA |
Before submitting your manuscript, please read and adhere to the author submission guidelines. To submit an article to the journal, please click here: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ldq.
Any questions should be directed to the editorial office:
Diane Pedrotty Bryant, PhD
Learning Disability Quarterly
The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
College of Education
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station, D4900
Austin, TX 78712