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Theory & Psychology

Theory & Psychology

Published in Association with Theoretical Psychology (ISTP)
Other Titles in:
Philosophical Psychology

eISSN: 14617447 | ISSN: 09593543 | Current volume: 34 | Current issue: 5 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Theory & Psychology is a fully peer reviewed forum for theoretical and meta-theoretical analysis in psychology. Theory and Psychology fosters theoretical dialogue and innovation within psychology, focusing on the emergent themes at the centre of contemporary psychological debate. Published six times a year, it serves an integrative role for a wide psychological audience and all those concerned with the evolution of modern psychology.

"Theory & Psychology has brought the study of theory within psychology out of the cold. It is a hugely important journal for anyone with a serious interest in theoretcial developments in psychology. It is always packed with interesting and important articles and should be required reading for all psychologists." Valerie Walkerdine, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, UK

"Outstandingly good. Each issue makes one realise how much we need a journal exactly like this, to argue over Psychology's many unresolved confusions, mistakes and mysteries - and to plot the way out of them." Charles Antaki, Professor of Language and Social Psychology, Loughborough University, England

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Theory & Psychology is available to browse online.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Theory & Psychology is affiliated with the International Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP )

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Theory & Psychology is a fully peer reviewed forum for theoretical and meta-theoretical analysis in psychology. It focuses on the emergent themes at the centre of contemporary psychological debate. Its principal aim is to foster theoretical dialogue and innovation within the discipline, serving an integrative role for a wide psychological audience.

Theory & Psychology publishes scholarly and expository papers which explore significant theoretical developments within and across such specific sub-areas as: cognitive, social, personality, developmental, clinical, perceptual, or biological psychology. It also publishes, and particularly encourages, work with a broader meta-theoretical intent, examining such issues as the conceptual frameworks and foundations of psychology, its historical underpinnings, its relation to other human sciences, its methodological commitments, its ideological assumptions, and its political and institutional contexts. Interdisciplinary analyses addressing psychological topics are welcomed. These may include (but are not limited to) the philosophy of science and psychology, cognition and intentionality, forms of explanation in psychology, criteria of theory evaluation, the social basis of psychological knowledge, the history of psychological theories and methods, the utilization of psychological knowledge, critical theory and methods in psychology, feminist theory and methods in psychology, and rhetoric and argumentation in psychological theory.

Theory & Psychology addresses a wide range of psychologists and interested scholars from other disciplines. Articles are clearly written, for a general audience, without excessive use of specialized terminology. Articles also adhere to the APA's "Guidelines to Reduce Bias in Language'" (Publication Manual, 6th ed).

Theory & Psychology operates a strictly anonymous peer review process in which the reviewer’s name is withheld from the author and, the author’s name from the reviewer. The reviewer may at their own discretion opt to reveal their name to the author in their review but our standard policy practice is for both identities to remain concealed.

Kieran O'Doherty University of Guelph
Thomas Teo York University, Canada
Editor Emeritus
Henderikus J Stam University of Calgary, Canada
Advisory Editors
Kenneth J. Gergen Swarthmore College, USA
Gerd Gigerenzer Max-Planck Institute für Bildungsforschung, Berlin, Germany
Jonathan Potter Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Associate Editors
Markus Eronen University of Groningen, Netherlands
Nora Ruck Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, Austria
Paul Sullivan University of Bradford, UK
Book Review Editors
Jeffery Yen University of Guelph, Canada
Editorial Board
Marie-Cécile Bertau University of West Georgia, USA
Sunil Bhatia Connecticut College, USA
Geoff Bunn Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Ian Burkitt University of Bradford, UK
Erica Burman The University of Manchester, UK
James Cresswell Ambrose University, Canada
John Cromby University of Leicester, UK
Manolis Dafermos University of Crete, Greece
Kurt Danziger York University, Toronto, Canada
Maarten Derksen University of Groningen, Netherlands
Nurit Novis Deutsch The University of Haifa, Israel
Mark Freeman College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, USA
Zed Zhipeng Gao The American University of Paris, France
Harry Heft Denison University, USA
Barbara S. Held Bowdoin College, USA
Alexa Hepburn Rutgers University, USA
Hubert J. M. Hermans University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Rene van Hezewijk Open Universiteit, Netherlands
Fiona J. Hibberd The University of Sydney, Australia
Arnd Hofmeister University of Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany
Suzanne Kirschner College of the Holy Cross, USA
Markus Knauff University of Giessen, Center for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science, Germany
Antonia Larrain Alberto Hurtado University, Chile
Rashelle V Litchmore Connecticut College, USA
Ivana Marková University of Stirling, UK
Jill G. Morawski Wesleyan University, USA
Clifford van Ommen Massey University, New Zealand
Lisa Osbeck Wesleyan University, USA
Ian Parker University of Leicester, UK
Michael J. Pettit York University, Canada
Catherine Raeff Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Peter Raggatt James Cook University, Australia
Ernst Schraube Roskilde University, Denmark
Lívia Mathias Simão Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, Brazil
Kate Slaney Simon Fraser University, Canada
William E. Smythe University of Regina, Canada
Paul Stenner Open Univeristy, UK
Jeff Sugarman Simon Fraser University, Canada
Gavin B. Sullivan International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin
Shogo Tanaka Tokai University, Japan
Michael Tissaw SUNY Potsdam, USA
Jaan Valsiner Aalborg University, Denmark
Stephen Vassallo American University, USA
Valerie Walkerdine University of Cardiff, Wales, UK
Kevin Weinfurt Duke University, USA
Margaret Wetherell The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Martin Wieser Sigmund Freud Private University Berlin, Germany
Wendeng Yang Guangzhou University, China
Tania Zittoun University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Administrative Assistant
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