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Second Language Research

Second Language Research

eISSN: 14770326 | ISSN: 02676583 | Current volume: 40 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Second Language Research is an international peer-reviewed, quarterly journal, publishing original theory-driven research concerned with second (and additional) language acquisition and second language performance. This includes both experimental studies and contributions aimed at exploring conceptual issues. In addition to providing a forum for investigators in the field of non-native language learning, it seeks to promote interdisciplinary research which links acquisition studies to related non-applied fields such as neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, theoretical linguistics, bilingualism, and first language developmental psycholinguistics.

Note that studies of foreign language teaching and learning are outside the scope of Second Language Research, unless they make a substantial contribution to understanding the process and nature of second language acquisition. Types of publications include full-length research articles (about 9,000 words), research notes (about 4,000 words), review articles of recent books or timely topics (about 5,000 words), discussion and commentary (about 5,000 words), invited keynote articles (about 11,000 words) and guest-edited, thematic issues.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Electronic access:

Second Language Research is available to browse on SAGE Journals Online.

Second Language Research is a central resource in the field, especially for cutting-edge work on linguistic and cognitive issues in SLA. It is clearly among our first-tier journals.” Professor Michael Long University of Maryland, USA

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Second Language Research publishes theoretical papers, original research and review articles on simultaneous or consecutive second and additional language acquisition in children and adults. In addition to providing a forum for investigators in the field of non-native language learning, the journal seeks to promote interdisciplinary research which links second language acquisition studies to related non-applied fields such as:

* Theoretical linguistics focused on second and additional language acquisition
* Neuroscience and cognitive science
* First language developmental psycholinguistics
* Heritage language studies
* Psycholinguistics.

The journal does not publish papers that focus on educational and pedagogical issues in language teaching and language testing.

Silvina A. Montrul University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Roumyana Slabakova University of Southampton, UK and University of Iowa, USA
Review Editor
Margaret Thomas Boston College, USA
Associate Editors
Charles Chang Boston University, USA
Esther de Leeuw Queen Mary University of London, UK
Guilherme Duarte Garcia Université Laval, Canada
Jeff Holliday University of Kansas, USA
Assistant Editor
Alice Foucart Nebrija University, Madrid, Spain
Founding Editors
James Pankhurst Germany
Michael Sharwood Smith Heriot-Watt University, UK
Editorial Board
John Archibald University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Soondo Baek Kookmin University, South Korea
Joe Barcroft Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Shannon Barrios University of Utah, USA
Melissa Bowles University of Illinois, USA
Ellen Broselow State Univ of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Jennifer Cabrelli University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Susanne Carroll University of Calgary, Canada
Juli Cebrian Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
Vasiliki Chondrogianni University of Edinburgh, UK
Ian Cunnings University of Reading, UK
Alejandro Cuza Purdue University, USA
Laurent Dekydtspotter Indiana University, USA
Laura Dominguez University of Southampton, UK
Paola Escudero University of Western Sydney, Australia
Claudia Felser University of Potsdam, Germany
Suzanne Flynn MIT, USA
Alison Gabriele University of Kansas, USA
Theres Grüter University of Hawaii, USA
Marianne Gullberg University of Lund, Sweden
Ayse Gürel Bogaziçi University, Turkey
Rachel Hayes-Harb University of Utah, USA
Julia Hershensohn University of Washington , USA
Makiko Hirakawa Chuo University, Japan
Brad Hoot DePaul University, USA
Holger Hopp Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
Shunji Inagaki Doshisha University, Japan
Tania Ionin University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA
Jill Jegerski University of Illinois, USA
Alan Juffs University of Pittsburgh, USA
Ji-Hye Kim Korea National University of Education, South Korea
Helen Koulidobrova Central Connecticut State University, USA
Tania Leal The University of Arizona, USA
Ronald Leow Georgetown University, USA
Juana Liceras University of Ottawa, Canada
Ziyin Mai City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Theo Marinis University of Reading, UK
Natalia Mitrofanova The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Florence Myles University of Essex, UK
Eriz Pelzl The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Silvia Perpinan Universidad Pompeu Frabra, Spain
Manfred Pienemann University of Paderborn, Germany and University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Philippe Prevost Universite Francois Rabelais, France
Leah Roberts York University, UK
Jason Rothman UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway and University Nebrija, Spain
Ana Isabel Schwartz University of Texas, El Paso, TX, USA
Bonnie Schwartz University of Hawaii, USA
Christine Shea University of Iowa, USA
Miquel Simonet University of Arizona, USA
Neal Snape Gunma Prefectural Women's University, Japan
Antonella Sorace University of Edinburgh, UK
Rex Sprouse Indiana University, USA
Yi-ching Su National Taiwan Tsinghua University, Taiwan
Gretchen Sunderman Florida State University, USA
Yuichi Suzuki Kanagawa University, Japan
Annie Tremblay University of Kansas, USA
Ianthi Maria Tsimpli University of Cambridge, UK
Marit Westergaard The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Lydia White McGill University, Canada
Seth Wiener Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Virginia Yip Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Martha Young-Scholten Newcastle University, UK
Boping Yuan Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China / University of Cambridge, UK
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  • Informationszentrum Für Fremdsprachenforschung (IFS)
  • International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Language Teaching
  • Linguistics Abstracts
  • Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
  • MLA Abstracts of Articles in Scholarly Journals
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • Professional Development Collection
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  • Social Services Abstracts
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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