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Journal of Visual Culture

Journal of Visual Culture

eISSN: 17412994 | ISSN: 14704129 | Current volume: 22 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: 3 Times/Year

Journal of Visual Culture is an international refereed journal that welcomes compelling, critically engaged contributions that explore and expand trans-disciplinary global visual cultures.

"The Journal of Visual Culture is indispensable." Professor Christine Ross, Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University

"There is an unmistakable seriousness as well as a handsome hospitality in the range of method, topic and topography on show." Times Higher Education Supplement

"The Journal of Visual Culture continues to be a critical resource for scholars looking for intelligent analyses of the visual arts, popular culture, media, curatorial practice and digital platforms." Professor Jennifer A Gonzalez, University of California, Santa Cruz

"The Journal of Visual Culture is the place to look for cutting-edge research on the theory, practice, and circulation of visual culture today." Dr Nicole Starosielski, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University

"The Journal of Visual Culture is a generous and inventive site of intellectual possibility where authors and guest editors can reconfigure how the visual and cultural come together, allowing for intellectual challenges to be made – critically and imaginatively – to current disciplinary protocols." Professor Jane Rendell, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

Recent themed issues include:

Armed/Unarmed: Guns in American Visual and Material Culture (2018), guest edited by Faye Gleisser and Delia Solomons, with contributors including Patrice D. Douglass, Michelle Millar Fisher, Colette Galter, Brian Hatton, Lindsay Livingston, and a roundtable with Attequa Ali, Jonathan Ferrara, Kathy O’Dell, and Susanne Slavick.

Affect at the Limits of Photography (2018), guest edited by Lisa Cartwright and Elizabeth Wolfson, with contributors including Ariella Azoulay, Lisa E. Bloom, Matthew Brower, Thy Phu and Elspeth H Brown, Kelli Moore, and Shaw Michelle Smith.

50 Years of Art and Objecthood: Traces, Impact, Critique (2017), edited by Alison Green and Joanne Morra, with contributors Alison Green, Stephen Melville, Joanne Morra, Daniel Rubinstein, Margarita Tupitsyn, Victor Tupitsyn, Phoebe von Held, Duncan White.

Architecture! (2016), edited by Jae Emerling and Ronna Gardner, with contributors Eric Aliez, Alfredo Brillembourg, Sarah Deyong, Alexi Kalagas, Hubert Klumpner, Robin Mackay, Lina Malfona, Gioancarlo Mazzanti, Robert McCarter, Donald Preziosi, Jane Rendell, Martino Stierli, Michael Waldrep.

Visual Activism (2016), edited by Julia Bryan-Wilson, Jennifer González and Dominic Willsdon, with contributors Ariella Azoulay, Macarena Gómez-Barris, Deena Chalabi, Electronic Disturbance Theater 2.0, Miguel A López, Amin Husain, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Nitasha Dhillon, A Joan Saab, Tina Takemoto, Avram Finkelstein, Aaron Gach, Cheyanne Epps, Kyle Lane-McKinley, Elisa Adami, TJ Demos, Amy Lyford, Carlos Motta, Trinh T Minh-ha, Srinivas Aditya Mopidevi, Jerome Reyes, Nine Yamamoto-Masson, Teddy Cruz, Favianna Rodriguez, Zanele Muholi, Selaelo Mannya, Valerie Thomas, Shannon Jackson.

Recent and forthcoming contributions to Journal of Visual Culture include:

  • Jill Casid (UWM) on being undone
  • Georges Didi-Huberman (Paris) on the album of images
  • Tom Holert (Berlin) on immersion
  • Tung-Hui Hu (Michigan) on reticence
  • Esther Leslie (Birkbeck) on atmosphere
  • Rahul Mukherjee (UPenn) on ecologies of ruination
  • MIT’s Lisa Parks (interview by Asbjørn Grønstad and Øyvind Vågnes) on global media technologies
  • Nicole Starosielski (NYU) on thermal vision
  • Magda Szczesniak and Lukasz Zaremba (Warsaw) on paranoid looking
  • Linda Williams (Berkley) on lust, motion and e-motion
  • Beirut-based artist Akram Zaatari (interviewed by Elisa Adami) on history, photography, and the archive

Forthcoming themed issues for 2020 and beyond include:

Robot Vision, guest edited by Luci Eldridge (Winchester School of Art) and Nina Trivedi (Royal College of Art), with contributors including Jeremiah Ambrose, Brian Black, Stephen Ellis, Nea Ehrlich, Joey Holder, Gregory Minissale, Maya Oppenheimer, Nicola Plant, and Bianca Westermann.

Trans, Art, and Visual Culture, guest edited by Cyle Metzger (Stanford) and Kirstin Ringelberg (Elon University), with contributors including KJ Cerankowski, Kara Carmack, Sascha Crasnow, Sebastian De Line, Robb Hernandez, Heather Holmes, Ace Lehner, KJ Rawson and Nikki Tantum, Cole Rizki, Gregory Stamatina, Chris Straayer, Susan Stryker, Elisa Steinbock, and Frial Zachary.

VR: Immersion and Empathy, guest edited by Brooke Belisle (Stony Brook University) and Paul Roquet (MIT).

Submit your manuscript today at

Journal of Visual Culture welcomes provocative, innovative analyses of visual culture especially those that challenge conventional categories or modes of inquiry. To address the broad interests of our readers, the Journal supports critically informed, original interpretations that both illuminate a specific phenomenon, and yield insights for social, political, philosophical or aesthetic concerns shaping global visual cultures

Marquard Smith UCL, UK / Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania
Kimberly J. Brown Dartmouth College, USA
Eray Çayli Universität Hamburg, Germany
Zeina E. Maasri University of Bristol, UK
Gabrielle Moser York University, Canada
Minou Norouzi University of Helsinki, Finland
Balbir Singh Concordia University, Canada
Erika Jiaran Song Fosun Foundation, Shanghai, China/UCL, London, UK
Hanan Toukan Bard College Berlin, Germany
Themed Issue Editor
Øyvind Vågnes University of Bergen, Norway
Reviews Editor
Jae Emerling The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Managing Editor
Manca Bajec Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Editorial Board
John Armitage Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK
Mieke Bal University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Weihong Bao University of California, USA
Joaquin Barriendos Columbia University, USA
Ali Behdad UCLA, USA
Brooke Belisle Stony Brook University, USA
Simone A. Brown University of Texas at Austin, USA
Giuliana Bruno Harvard University, USA
Susan Buck-Morss Cornell University, USA
Tina M. Campt Columbia University, USA
Lisa Cartwright University of California, San Diego, USA
Jill Casid University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Mel Y Chen University of California, Berkeley, USA
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun Simon Fraser University, Canada
Tom Conley Harvard University, USA
David Cunningham University of Westminster
Karen Mary Davalos University of Minnesota, USA
Abigail DeKosnik University of California, Berkeley, USA
Anna Everett University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Nicole Fleetwood Rutgers University, USA
Elizabeth Freeman UC Davis, USA
Anne Friedberg University of Southern California, USA †
Johnny Golding Royal College of Art, UK
Macarena Gómez-Barris Pratt Institute, USA
Jack Halberstam Columbia University, USA
Stuart Hall University of Birmingham, UK †
Martin Jay University of California, Berkeley, USA
Guy Julier Aalto University, Finland
Max Liljefors Lund University, Sweden
Laura U. Marks Simon Fraser University, Canada
Shannon Mattern The New School, USA
W J T Mitchell University of Chicago, USA
Joanne Morra Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London, UK
Joanne Morra University of the Arts, UK
Meaghan Morris University of Sydney, Australia
Sheila Murphy University of Michigan, USA
Lisa Nakamura University of Michigan, USA
Simon Ofield-Kerr Norwich University of the Arts, UK
Chika Okeke-Agulu Princeton University, USA
Peggy Phelan Stanford University, USA
Beth Piatote University of California, Berkeley, USA
Griselda Pollock University of Leeds, UK
Jasbir Puar Rutgers University, USA
Adrian Rifkin Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, UK
Dylan Robinson Queen's University, Canada
Irit Rogoff Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Vanessa Ruth Schwartz University of Southern California, USA
Julietta Singh University of Richmond, USA
Shawn Michelle Smith School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA
Vivian Sobchack University of California Los Angeles, USA
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Professor, Columbia University, USA
Jonathon Sterne McGill University, Canada
Sasha Su-Ling Welland University of Washington, USA
Dominic Willsdon Institute for Contemporary Art, Richmond Virginia, USA
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  • Scopus
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  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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