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Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy

Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy

A triannual Journal of Agrarian South Network and CARES
Published in Association with Centre for Agrarian Research and Education for South

eISSN: 23210281 | ISSN: 22779760 | Current volume: 13 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy is the official periodical publication of the Agrarian South Network (ASN), a tri-continental association of researchers and institutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America/Caribbean. The journal is published tri-annually (April, August and December) by the Centre for Agrarian Research and Education for South (CARES), the ASN affiliate in India. The ASN is based at the Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies in Zimbabwe.

Agrarian South is an interdisciplinary journal which promotes innovative research on the political economy of world development and aims to contribute to global debates on the multi-faceted challenges of our times, namely the agrarian, environmental and development crises.

The journal encourages original approaches to the political economy of development and invites research on issues related to land and agrarian reform, gender and labour relations, race and caste in social transformation, rural and urban industrialization, global environmental change, sustainable use of natural resources, land and social movements, trends and trajectories in the world economy, and North-South relations.

The journal promotes research in the intellectual traditions of the Third World and is committed to the advancement of autonomous capacity and thinking in the South.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Agrarian South is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which promotes innovative research on the political economy of world development and aims to contribute to global debates on the multi-faceted challenges of our times, namely the agrarian, environmental and development crises.

The journal encourages original approaches to the political economy of development and is committed to the advancement of autonomous thinking in the South. The journal’s audience is the social science research community worldwide, as well as civil society activists and development practitioners.

The key thematic areas of concern for the journal are as follows:
• land and agrarian reforms in Africa, Asia and Latin America/Caribbean;
• agrarian and labour relations in peripheral social formations;
• gender, race and caste in social transformation;
• experiences in rural and urban industrialization;
• monopoly capitalism, financialization and the world economy;
• agro-industrial value systems in the world economy;
• energy, consumption and climate change;
• sustainable use of land, energy and natural resources;
• land, indigenous and social movements in national and world politics;
• alternative strategies for a multipolar, just and sustainable world order.

The journal publishes articles, book reviews, review essays, briefings on current affairs, and reports on events. It also promotes selected debates by means of occasional special issues and sections, including a permanent special section on Third World legacies.

Founding Editor-in-Chief
Sam Moyo (late) African Institute for Agrarian Studies, Zimbabwe
Praveen Jha Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Paris Yeros Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Managing Editor
Sandeep Chachra Centre for Agrarian Research and Education for South (CARES), New Delhi, India
Editorial Board
Lyn Ossome Institute for Economic Justice, South Africa
Archana Prasad Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Marcelo Rosa Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Issa Shivji University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dzodzi Tsikata University of Ghana, Ghana
Associate Editors
Max Ajl Wageningen University, Netherlands
Walter Chambati The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies, Zimbabwe
Agostina Costantino National University of the South, Argentina
Ricardo Jacobs University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Ng’wanza Kamata University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Thiago Lima Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil
Giuliano Martiniello American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Abdourahmane Ndiaye Bordeaux Montaigne University, France
Flavia Rios Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
Vitor Schincariol Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Sit Tsui Southwest University, China
Joseph Awetori Yaro University of Ghana, Ghana
Editorial Assistants
Namrata Daniel Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, Thailand
Manish Kumar University of Delhi, India
Damián Lobos National Institute of Agricultural Technologies, Argentina
Freedom Mazwi The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies, Zimbabwe
Steven Mberi The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies, Zimbabwe
Gertrude Dzifa Torvikey University of Ghana, Ghana
Advisory Editorial Board
Jimi O Adesina University of South Africa, South Africa
Kojo Amanor University of Ghana, Ghana
Habib Ayeb Université Paris 8, France
Clara Bellamy National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Antonadia Borges Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Merle L Bowen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA
C P Chandrasekhar Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Horman Chitonge University of Cape Town, South Africa
Deivison Mendes Faustino Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
Bernardo M Fernandes State University of São Paulo, Brazil
Jayati Ghosh University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Mammadou Goïta IRPAD/Afrique, Mali
Yao Graham Third World Network Africa, Ghana
Fred Hendricks Rhodes University, South Africa
Kin Chi Lau Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Amina Mama University of California, USA
Mahmood Mamdani Makerere Institute, Uganda
William Martin SUNY Binghamton, USA
Carlos Eduardo Martins Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Marjorie Mbilinyi University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Marilda A Menezes Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Godwin Murunga CODESRIA, Senegal
Francisco Nemenzo University of Philippines, Philippines
Lungisile Ntzebeza University of Cape Town, South Africa
Prabhat Patnaik Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Utsa Patnaik Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
D.N. Reddy University of Hyderabad, India
Ebrima Sall Trust Africa, Senegal
Henry Saragih Via Campesina, Indonesia
Sérgio Sauer FUP/UnB, Brazil
Christoph Scherrer University of Kassel, Germany
Beverly Silver The Johns Hopkins University, USA
Jomo Kwame Sundaram International Islamic University, Malaysia
Zenebework Tadesse Development Consultant, Ethiopia
Wen Tiejun Renmin University, China
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • DeepDyve
  • Dutch-KB
  • Indian Citation Index (ICI)
  • J-Gate
  • OCLC
  • Ohio
  • Portico
  • ProQuest: PAIS International
  • ProQuest: Politics Collection
  • ProQuest: Social Science Premium Collection
  • Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.


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