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Journal of Workplace Rights

Journal of Workplace Rights

ISSN: 00000

Thank you very much for your interest in the Journal of Workplace Rights. After much discussion, the editor and publisher have decided that it would be mutually beneficial at this point in time to transfer publication of this sub-journal fully into SAGE Open. This decision was made to improve the publication process. SAGE Open will continue to accept manuscripts related to topics of workplace rights. However, they will be reviewed and published through SAGE Open. We are very appreciative of all the authors who have contributed to the journal. While we are no longer accepting new submissions under the Journal of Workplace Rights title, the manuscripts that have been published previously at SAGE will remain online under such title so they can continue to be a resource to researchers in the field. 


The Journal of Workplace Rights, a SAGE Open publication, is dedicated to the proposition that human rights should not be compromised by employers. It uses an expansive definition of human rights, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as passed by the United Nations in 1948. A list of proposed topics can be found in the "Aims and Scope" tab.

Published content from 2015 and on can be found here. 
Content published prior to 2015 can be found on the CLOCKSS archive: Journal of Workplace Right Archive

About SAGE Open:

The Journal of Workplace Rights is published under SAGE Open which is an open access publication from SAGE. SAGE Open publishes peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Articles may span the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. SAGE Open seeks to be the world’s premier open access outlet for academic research. As such, unlike traditional journals, SAGE Open does not limit content due to page budgets or thematic significance. Rather, SAGE Open evaluates the scientific and research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles solely on the basis of the research. This approach allows readers greater access and gives them the power to determine the significance of each article through SAGE Open’s interactive comments feature and article-level usage metrics. Likewise, by not restricting papers to a narrow discipline, SAGE Open facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers, whether within or between disciplines.

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Global distribution of your research via the award-winning SAGE Journals online platform, including enhanced online features such as: public usage metrics, comments features, subject categories, and article ranking and recommendations.

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The article processing charge (APC) is payable when a manuscript is accepted after peer review, before it is published. The APC is subject to taxes where applicable. Please see further details here.

The article processing charge (APC) for this journal is currently 1200 USD, discounted from the full rate of 1200 USD.

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The Journal of Workplace Rights is no longer accepting submissions under the sub-journal heading. Please consider submitting your research to SAGE Open for publication in the wider table of contents. 

The Journal of Workplace Rights, a SAGE Open publication, is dedicated to the proposition that human rights should not be compromised by employers. It uses an expansive definition of human rights, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as passed by the United Nations in 1948. A list of proposed topics can be found below:

a) People are supposed to have the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. This is in stark contrast to the "employment at will" doctrine, which grants employers the undisputed privilege of determining who is hired and fired. How and where have employees managed to secure this workplace right?

b) Although the right to equal pay for equal work without any discrimination is part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, sex and race discrimination in employment remain rampant. Why does this continue to be the case, and what can employees do about it?

c) People are supposed to have the right to a living wage, yet most can barely get by on their paychecks. How have employees successfully countered the tendency of most employers to pay them as little as possible?

d) The right to form and to join trade unions is enshrined in the Universal Declaration. Labor law in many countries including the United States and the United Kingdom effectively denies this right to most employees. How can trade unions and their supporters enable this human right despite a hostile political climate?

e) "Degrading treatment" is a human rights violation. What constitutes degrading treatment in the workplace?

f) According to the Universal Declaration, "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home, or correspondence." Is this human right violated by practices such as pre-employment drug testing and electronic monitoring of employees' Internet usage?

g) The right to "freedom of thought, conscience, and religion" is enshrined in the Universal Declaration. Under what circumstances should employees be able to exercise this right by disobeying their supervisors?

h) People are supposed to have "the right to freedom of opinion and expression." How have employees created safe spaces in which they can honestly share their feelings about work and non-work issues?

i) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives." How can this right be extended to the workplace?

j) People are supposed to have "the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours." In recent years, how and where have employees succeeded in reducing their working hours without lowering their standards of living?

k) The Universal Declaration grants ownership rights to authors of a "scientific, literary or artistic production." What implications does this entail for workplace rights in academe?

This is not an exhaustive list of potential topics, and prospective authors are invited to submit papers that are completely unrelated to these topics as long as their focus is on workplace rights.

Joel Rudin, PhD Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Editorial Board
Paul Adler University of Southern California, USA
Hamid Akbari Winona State University, USA
Dianne Dentice Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
Victor Devinatz Illinois State University, USA
Michelle Dietert Texas A&M University - Central Texas
Kelly Dye Acadia University, Canada
Adrienne Eaton Rutgers University, USA
David Jacobs Morgan State University, USA
Steve Jaros Southern University and A&M College, USA
John Jermier University of South Florida, USA
Tom Keenoy University of Leicester, UK
Miguel Martinez Lucio Manchester University, UK
Doug McCabe Georgetown University, USA
Mary Meisenhelter York College of Pennsylvania, USA
Leah Ritchie Salem State University, USA
Hedayeh Samavati Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Hoyt Wheeler University of South Carolina, USA

Thank you very much for your interest in Journal of Workplace Rights. After much discussion, the editor and publisher have decided that it would be mutually beneficial at this point in time to transfer publication of this sub-journal fully into SAGE Open. This decision was made to improve the publication process. SAGE Open will continue to accept manuscripts related to topics of workplace rights. However, they will be reviewed and published through SAGE Open. We are very appreciative of all the authors who have contributed to the journal. While we are no longer accepting new submissions under the Journal of Workplace Rights title, the manuscripts that have been published previously will remain online under such title so they can continue to be a resource to researchers in the field.


Journal of Workplace Rights recommends that authors follow the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Journal of Workplace Rights is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Manuscript Submission

Please read the Full Submissions Guidelines (PDF) before submitting your manuscript at Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned. Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of Journal of Workplace Rights will be reviewed.

Journal of Workplace Rights publishes original research articles and literature reviews.

Article Processing Charge
If, after peer review, your manuscript is accepted for publication, a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) is payable. This APC covers the cost of publication and ensures that your article will be freely available online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons license.

The APC is $1200 USD and will be payable upon acceptance.

Journal of Workplace Rights publishes manuscripts under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY), which allows others to re-use the work without permission as long as the work is properly referenced.

Alternative license arrangements are available, for example, to meet particular funder mandates, made at the author's request.

More Information

Visit SAGE's OA licenses page for more information.

For more details on the Submission Guidelines, contact the Journal of Workplace Rights editorial office as follows: